Tag Archives: PS3

AikenLabs Immersive Motion Accessory System

AikenLabs Immersive Motion Desktop Starter KitAikenLabs Immersive Motion Accessory System is a body-worn motion controller that takes real world actions and puts them into video games. Andy checks out some moves with Ethan from AikenLabs.

The Immersive Motion Accessory System comprises small black boxes worn on bands that connect wirelessly to a master controller which in turn, is connected to PC or game console via USB. Each box has an accelerometer, a magnometer and  gyroscope to accurately track motion. No optical sensor or camera is needed.

Once the boxes are in place on the player’s head, arms, legs or plastic sword, actions such as hitting, pushing or kicking in the real-world get translated into similar actions in the game. Cleverly, the system converts the gestures into standard game controllers actions such as button presses or joystick moves. Consequently the system can be used with nearly any game console straightaway; there’s no need to wait for developer support.

Interview by Andy Smith of Geocaching World.

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Sony Issues Statement About the PlayStation Network

playstation network

2010 and 2011 have been rough years for Sony and for PS3 owners who use the popular PlayStation Network for online gaming.  The service has come under attack, and been taken down, on more than one occasion, and for extended time periods.  The latest attack began to hit the news yesterday, when it was learned that the service was again under attack.

Reports have ranged from DDOS attack to user account hacking, but earlier today Sony finally set the record straight about what is going on, how extensive the attack is, and what steps they are taking fix the problem.

According to Sony, the attack spanned three of their networks – the PlayStation Network, Sony Entertainment Network, and Sony Online Entertainment.  A total of approximately 93,000 users have been affected, and those accounts have now been locked by Sony.  It appears to have been a hacking attack – the perpetrators attempted to gain log-in access to accounts, and succeeded on 93,000 of them, which is actually a relatively small percentage.  At this time, Sony says that those users’ credit card data is still safe.

If you have a PSN account, even if you don’t think you were affected, I would still recommend changing your password.  Use a long password that incorporates letters, numbers, and symbols.  Although, Sony says credit information wasn’t gained, it would still be prudent to monitor you account closely and report anything that seems suspicious.

Below is full text of Sony’s announcement.

“12 October 2011

Tokyo, October 12 – Sony Network Entertainment International LLC and Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) have detected a large amount of unauthorized sign-in attempts on PlayStation®Network (PSN), Sony Entertainment Network (SEN) and Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) services. We discovered these attempts and have taken steps to mitigate the activity.

Less than one tenth of one percent of our PSN, SEN and SOE consumers may have been affected. There were approximately 93,000 accounts (PSN/SEN: approximately 60,000 accounts; SOE: approximately 33,000) where the attempts succeeded in verifying those accounts’ valid sign-in IDs and passwords, and we have temporarily locked these accounts. As a preventative measure, we will be sending email notifications to these account holders and will be requiring secure password resets or informing consumers of password reset procedures.

Credit card numbers associated with these accounts are not at risk as a result of these unauthorized attempts. Only a small fraction of these 93,000 accounts showed additional activity prior to being locked. We are continuing to investigate the extent of unauthorized activity on any of these accounts.

These attempts appear to include a large amount of data obtained from one or more compromised lists from other companies, sites or sources. These were unauthorized attempts to verify valid user accounts on our services using very large sets of sign-in IDs and passwords. Between October 7 – 10 US Pacific Daylight Time, we confirmed that these were unauthorized attempts, and took steps to thwart this activity.

For the latest updates please visit http://blog.eu.playstation.com/

Netflix Kills Qwikster, DVD by Mail Still Netflix. Suffers $200 Dollar a Share Loss.

netflix logoMaybe it was the weird spelling, the fact it was too close to Qwikstar (the Amway rebrand) or the twitter is owned by the Pot Smoking Elmo. Nonetheless, Netflix announced today they will not be seperating the company into two. Netflix DVD rental will still be $8 (with an additional $8 for streaming).

How Netflix Screwed themselves in the last 3 Months.

In July, Netflix came to the realization their service was not priced efficiently for the company to make a profit. Therefore, they announced by Sept 1st, they would be changing price plans.

The service separated the streaming from the DVD rental. For $8, you could get one DVD at a time. Add another $8 and you could get Netflix streaming. It was a move that happened too fast, so people lashed back.

Last month, Netflix’ CEO Reed Hastings outlined plans to separate the DVD by mail business and give it’s own name – Qwikster. People started speculating Netflix was planning to sell the DVD mail side and focus more on streaming. Within 14 days, Netflix saw a major decline of customers (Some calling the idea “Qwikstupid”) .

Netflix stock dropped almost $100 a share from Septembers’ announcement, and over $200 a share from July. Netflix lost millions of dollars in the last 90 days with these changes. Needless to say, this is not a great business plan.

What Netflix Needs to Do to Recoup this Large Deficit.

First of all, it would be a VERY GOOD idea to offer at least 1 free month to current customers (although 3 months would be better). After all, these are the people that stuck through it all. Next – cut the service price for DVD rental and streaming. Meet in the middle – $12 a month for 1 DVD at a time and streaming.

Reed Hastings also needs to put together a very big public apology. I don’t think it’s time for him to pass the CEO reigns just yet, but maybe Netflix needs to shake up the board a bit. This was a horrible idea that was ultimately agreed upon by the directors.

Will You Go Back to Netflix?

This is the biggest question. After all these bad decisions, would you choose to go back to Netflix? They do have the most coverage in streaming options, being on most Over the top TV solutions and game consoles. Still, loosing 1/3 of their operating share makes you wonder if they can ever get back to the $300 / share peak they enjoyed back in July.

I personally use the Netflix streaming service – I abandoned DVD rentals simply because they sat on the coffee table for weeks at a time. With new additions in AMC’s Walking Dead and Discovery’s Mythbusters to streaming, I have a month’s worth of shows to watch. Tron Legacy also showed up this month, which gives me more of what I really crave – top movies that are only a year old.

GNC #698 Need some More Cores!

Meetup in Albuquerque is Wednesday night details out tonight to those who have agreed to meetup.. Really need more cores on the road, time for a laptop update buy man really hate buying another PC you all know the drill. Show 700 Contest Details!

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GNC-2011-03-15 #655 Thinking of Japan!

I spend some time at the beginning of the show tonight talking about the tragic loss of life and issues facing Japan. I will be participating in a 24hr podcast that will be a fund raiser for the tragedy in Japan. I will have more details on Fridays show. I have an absolute metric ton of tech to go over with you tonight as well hold on its a fast ride. All Family members in Japan are safe, we have not heard from friends in Sendai yet but seeing the communication issues we are not getting nervous yet.

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Snakebyte Video Game Controllers

Mitch Perliss of Sunflex USA (www.snakebyte-usa.com) presents the Snakebyte brand of game controllers. Folks have been having a lot of fun with this one, you can write on the TV with the controller and a host of other fun things.

Interview by Jeffry Powers of Geekazine and Esby Larsen of MrNetCast.com

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Assault Rifle for the PS3 by CTADigital

The Assault Rifle by CTADigital is a realistic looking gun to be used with the Sony Playstation and Playstation Move Games. It is compatible with most 1st person shooters and hunting games, including Call of Duty Modern Warfare It has all the buttons you find on the Playstation 3 Dual-Shock Controller. To use it you insert the  USB dongle that comes with into the PS3. Then click on the home button on the rifle and you are ready to go. By itself you can use it with the Playstation 3. If you want to use it with the Playstation Move you simply attach a cradle and place the motion controller in the cradle. It has an analog button, that allows you to run and strafed while still looking at what is around you. The trigger supplies a realistic shooting reaction whether it is a single shot or a full burst. The rifle has an internal speaker which allows you to hear the shots as they are being fired. This option is available even if it is not sync with the PS3. The Assault Rifle is available through the CTADigital Web site or through Amazon for $59.00. CTADigital also offers other accessories for the Playstation 3, Xbox 360, PSP, DS Lite along with iPhone, iPad and other products. CTADigital is the place to go for your gaming and computing accessories.

Interview by Jeffrey Powers of The Geekazine Podcast and Tom Newman of The Fogview Podcast.

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