Tag Archives: Soyuz

GNC-2011-03-17 #656 The Great Experiment Continues!

Your going to love this one, I get on the Soap Box and stay there for a good bit in the show today. Fools and their wasted money is the theme. Plus I place a wager on a specific companies new initiatives failing. I also want to welcome our newest insider, thank you for supporting the show it is greatly appreciated.

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GoDaddy services saves you lot’s of money, check out my Promo Codes Today.
Sponsor: Get your 14 day Free Trial of Audible Gold to start Listening

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Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links
Lexar 128gb SDXC Memory Cards.
Adobe Flash HTML5 Converter.

Show Notes:
Burglar Blaster.
Firefox 4 Final Release date 3-22.
Firefox 4 Notes.
* Renegade
It’s not the downloads.
This Mom needs to be a Parent.
14 Months, 40 Million NYT Fools.
NYT Paywall Plans?
Open Canadian Letter to NYT!
Business Cards Dead?
RSA SecurID May Be Hacked.
Hacking your Car.
Matt Cutts – Google Luminary.
Japan Telephone/Network Lines a Wreck.
TSA now cannot do Math.
Netflix to do Original Content?
Webm Plugin for IE9.
President says Do Not Track!
BlueTooth Headset Review.
Soyuz back to Kazakhstan.
Women in Space.
Lasers Solution to Space Junk?
More Resources for Japan.
Protecting your company Image.
Time Warner iPad App.
Google Largest Torrent Search Engine.
White House thinks Streaming is Fed Crime.
Sick of Sarah 2205.
Visa goes after Paypal.
Rustock Spam Botnet Brought Down?
Hackers having fun with Electronic Sign.
Sony gets Paypal info on PS3 Case.
Best Sprinkler Yet.
Lexar 128GB SDXC Cards.
Solar Stove.
IPTV Moving Upwards.
IE9 Partners with Hulu.
Free Computer Games.
Gnome 3.0 Beta.
Video Alarm.
OSX Media Conveter.
Google Docs on a roll.
Dutch test 110 old X-Ray machine.
U-Socket Review.
Radiation from Planes and Passengers.

GNC-2011-03-15 #655 Thinking of Japan!

I spend some time at the beginning of the show tonight talking about the tragic loss of life and issues facing Japan. I will be participating in a 24hr podcast that will be a fund raiser for the tragedy in Japan. I will have more details on Fridays show. I have an absolute metric ton of tech to go over with you tonight as well hold on its a fast ride. All Family members in Japan are safe, we have not heard from friends in Sendai yet but seeing the communication issues we are not getting nervous yet.

The following Sponsors keep GNC running your support of them is greatly appreciated!
GoDaddy services saves you lot’s of money, check out my Promo Codes Today.
Sponsor: Get your 14 day Free Trial of Audible Gold to start Listening

Subscribe Today: Audio | Video | iTunes | Zune
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Follow @geeknews on Twitter
Geek News Central Facebook Page
Purchase GNC gear from the Ohana Store!
Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links
Long Time Listeners New Blog
Apple’s roll in Japan.
Bagel Tech Video Promo.
Nuke Plants and a new look at what is happening in Japan.
Voyager Update.
Flash leaked for Andorid.
Body Scanner Info (Good Read)!
Got your Chest X-ray at Airport yet?

Show Notes:
Our days are Shorter due to Earthquake.
NASA Images of Japan!
Spectral Images of Japan Damage.
Gear Shortage due to Earthquake.
4th Amendment challenge off to court.
Sean Parker to own Warner Music ;) ?
Tagging is Legal.
Net Survives Earthquake.
The Truth cost Blogger $60K!
NASA Priorities.
AT&T DSL capped at 150gb!
PS3 Update Secures it Good!
Court Grants Twitter User Info to Government.
Is Apple playing a Dangerous Game?
TV = Print!
Apple Stores Open Early Today?
ETSY User Purchasing Info Revealed.
Blogger Update.
Tablet Camera Shoot Out!
Apple Roll in Japan.
Congress to Legislate Search Results?
Apps Apps Apps SXSW????
Scobles SXSW App Pick.
Twitter Bites the hand that feeds them!
A day in North Korea.
iPad 2 Outperforms Macbook Pro!
Microsoft Not telling whole truth about IE9!
NO IE9 for Windows XP!
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 5 yrs at mars.
Arriving at Mercury!
Price Jacked up on Rides to ISS!
Illegal Domain Seizures reasons!
Police not nice to Seized hardware.
SXSW Idiocy.
Is Clearwire Throttling you?
March Madness Calendar.
Is Facebook no better than AOL?
Emergency Solar Power Generation.
SXSW Live Schedule.
Airplay is Useful Now.
Windows Remote Streaming.
Office 15 Screenshots.
Time Warner iPad TV Channel Streamer.
Zune Hardware Dead.
IE9 Launch #1
IE9 Launch 2.
Boxee using Apple Playbook!
Streamtome Mac App Store Software!
Got your Chest X-Ray Today?

GNC-2007-10-23 #311

I get serious about what is happening in the Tech Blogging space and this Monkey business that Comcast is up to! Are you ready to get it on!

Sponsor: Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]
Check out our On site Sponsor in Third Column as Well

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
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Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Amazing Photos
AT&T 700mhz and Aloha
Ubuntu Home Server
Clearwire PC Card for Mobile Broadband
Comcast Blocking Traffic
Windows Live Mail Desktop Component

Show Notes:
Steve Ballmer Interview
GreenPeace just trying to get Buzz
Surviving a Digg Effect on WordPress
Nice Space Image
GPS cuase NYC Taxi Drivers to Strike Again
13 Bargain Websites
100 Podcamp Topics
250,000 Unlocked iPhones
Comcast Says they are not Blocking Traffic Yea Right!
What your kids say online can hurt you!!
Cannon Microcam
Soviet Launch Facilities Like Mailman
RIAA fighting to pay Attorney Fees
Dave Winers New way to View News
New Zune Nov 13th
Walt Mossberg Please release me!!
Samsungs new 1 cm Monitors
Soyuz Lands after Wild Ride home from ISS
Wireless SD card
Big Media Pulling out of YouTube (Good Riddance)
Verizon FIOS Announcement Today
New Trans-Pacific Fiber Cable
Shuttle to try and Launch this Morning
More RSS Tampering
Gen X better learn some Skills

Caught my Eye:
Hotlist Shaving Creams
Reduce Gasoline Consumption
25 Skills All Men should Have
Only in Japan

GNC-2007-10-12 #308

The hacker battle continues fix is in for 1.1.1 version iPhone and iBrick Phones. Please help us raise $400.00 to give a laptop to a child!

Sponsor: Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Laptop Giveaway Promotion Info
Firefox Myths
Blue Wave <-Old SchoolShow Notes: iPhone Unbricking
Why I don’t use WordPress
A new Dimension of Time?
Apple WebApps
Music Industry Self Destruction
Music Industry Five Alternative Models
Hard Drive Shortage in Dec?
Mom Tells Ballmer what she thinks of Vista
IE7 to be FIxed for Vulnerability
Madonna may bring Music Industry to it’s Knees
Looking for ET May get new Life
Endeavor may have Issue
Soyuz to ISS
DMCA battles getting Worse
FCC does not back down on 700mhz Auction
RIAA Victim slams Juror

Caught my Eye
How Car Financing Works
How does it Feel
Root offers clues to Addiction