Doug Kaye weighs in on Pay to Play

I really respect Doug Kaye and everything he is doing over at the Conversation Networks, the challenge is immense and the goals are large, but if you really look at the objectives of what the Conversation Network is doing his network is providing a non-replaceable service to technical folks like me, that have to work for a living while all of these events and sometimes expensive conferences are happening.

Doug talks about how he is having to juggle the ball to get into some of these conferences when the financial supporters of the conversation networks may not necessarily be the sponsors of these big events. I understand what he is faced with, the sheer fact that the service he is providing builds awareness for the events overall.

I think that the organizers of these events need to understand how valuable this is for the community, and just spell it out that their is no ulterior motive or end around attempts that are being made to subvert the big sponsors and told straight up that the recordings made at the conference by the conversations network build the awareness beyond what would be achieved otherwise. []