Tag Archives: Information

Surviving Allergy Season – With Technology

Right now, we are going through what has been called the worst allergy season ever. I live in California, and have been suffering from allergies for weeks. Your experience may vary depending on where you live and exactly how severe your allergies happen to be. Personally, my allergies are so extreme that I’ve been told more than once that I should live in a “bubble”. If only I knew how to make that happen!

Fortunately, there are some online tools that can help me, and my fellow allergy sufferers, to survive this horrible season. Now seems like a good time to share them.

Pollen Forecasts

Benadryl.com has a simple pollen forecast. Look for the part that says “See Today’s Pollen Forecast”. Click the link that says “change location” and put in your zip code. It gives you a number, from zero through 12, that indicates how high the pollen count is. It also shows the three most predominant forms of pollen.

Allegra.com also has a pollen forecast. To use it, you have to type in your zip code. You get a bar graph that shows how high the pollen count is today, tomorrow, and for the next two days. It also tells you the two most predominant pollens.

Claritin.com has a pollen forecast that isn’t quite so informative. As always, you need to type in your zip code. Today, it says that the pollen where I am at is “medium”, (but it doesn’t assign it a numeric value). It tells me the two most predominant pollens. It shows tonight’s pollen count, tomorrows, and the next two days.

The Weather Channel also has a pollen forecast. The advantage of using this pollen forecast is that it isn’t hosted by a company that makes an allergy medication. The disadvantage, at least for me, is that it won’t give me information about what the pollen is like where I am at. Punch in your zip code and see if it works for you.

The best thing about all of these pollen forecasts is that I can look at them and, at a glance, know how dangerous it would be for me to go outside today. I can see how bad my allergies would be without having to leave my house.

Image: She Suffers A Cold by BigStock

GNC-2012-04-26 #760 Action Packed

This is a action packed, rapid fire show. Hope you enjoy it, this is packed end to end with tech content. Need a new employee in Tampa area? Drop me an email as my daughter is on the job hunt.

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GNC-2012-02-13 #741 Back from Windy City

No show last Thursday as my stand in had a family emergency. Back in the saddle here, no travel planned for about the next month. Look forward to an extended time here in Hawaii.

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Careverge Takes A Social Approach To Health

Careverge logoThe fast pace of modern Western life doesn’t lend itself to a healthy lifestyle and many of us struggle to keep on top of the weight and exercise regularly, including myself. Careverge can help as a one-stop health and well-being site that brings together fitness, health and support in one place. Careverge’s Henry de Phillips talks to Jamie Davis of the MedicCast and the Nursing Show about what the site can offer.

Careverge’s approach is to create a social networking environment to encourage good health behaviours rather than to simply sell a product or a plan. The site brings networking, gaming and recommendations together so that within only a few moments of starting to use the site, the individual is given personalised suggestions on reading and possible activities. The focus of Careverge is to encourage people to health through fun while providing quality health information and support to reach their goals.

Careverge is free to use for consumers.

Interview by Jamie Davis of the MedicCast and the Nursing Show.

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GNC-2011-12-26 #732 GoDaddy CEO Interview

I share with you at the end of today’s show the interview I had on Friday with GoDaddy’s CEO after they reversed their SOPA stance. The info is a bit different than what is being portrayed on other site. Our CES coverage will be ramping up now and I hope that you will contribute to our support staff fund.. Your help is needed.

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Mike Baine – Associate Producer

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CardMunch for the iPhone

If you travel a lot for business or go to a lot of conferences the one thing that you are sure to collect are business cards. Everyone you meet will hand you one. The question is what to do with it. You stick it in the back of a wallet or maybe a coat pocket and then forget about it. At home you may have a draw or box that you throw them in. Telling yourself that you will add them your address book as soon as you have time, however that time never seems to come. The problem is how to get the information easily and accurately into your address book. If you have an iPhone 3s or above then the app CardMunch maybe the answer you looking for.

The way CardMunch works is you open up the app on your iPhone line the card up between the four corners on the screen and tap on the screen to take a picture. That picture is then sent to actual humans working through the mechanical turk system who read the information and sends it back to you. At that point you have the option to accept or reject it. If you accept it, it will be added to your CardMunch data base. You can keep it in your CardMunch data base or transfer it to your Apple address book. If you choose to keep it within your data base it will sync with an online account. If you loose your phone you will still have access to the information, which you can then sync it back to your new phone.

CardMunch was $2.99 in the App store and then 25¢ per card after the first ten cards. Then in January 2011 CardMunch was purchased by Linkedin. Now both the app and the service are now free. You can also send request to connect through Linkedin directly from a card on the application. CardMunch is only available for the iPhone The better the picture you take the more accurate the information you get back, which is why the app only works with iPhone 3s and above. If you have a lot of business card and use Linkedin then I recommend trying CardMunch.

LeCroy USB 3.0 Protocol Analyzer

LeCroy showed off their high tech tools that only an engineer could love with their new USB 3.0 Protocol Analyzer which allows the engineer to view, analyze, and troubleshoot USB 2.0 and 3.0 devices and device drivers. The analyzer starts at $5,000 but this type of device is really the only thing that allows you to figure out what is happening with your USB device or device driver program.

Interview at CES 2011 by Tom Newman from Fogview.com

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