Telestream Captioning Products help you meet FCC Requirements

Telestream logoTelestream is the leading provider of digital media tools and workflow solutions. They have announced that their closed captioning software products meet the new regulatory requirements, including video captioning quality and accuracy rules set forth by the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

On February 20, 2014, the FCC set new, improved, rules for TV closed captioning to ensure that viewers who are deaf and hard of hearing have full access to programming and to resolve concerns on captioning quality. These rules apply to all television programing with captions, and address quality standards for accuracy, synchronicity, program completeness, and placement of closed captions.

The products from Telestream are fully compliant with the new FCC rules. Those who use the products from Telestream can be assured they are following all the rules. This allows them to focus on producing content for TV, web, and mobile distribution.

Telestream’s closed captioning software products provide a full set of tools to help TV programmers and distributors address the new quality issues set forth by the FCC. Its strength is in fixing the difficult synchronous and caption placement issues.

Telestream also has developed new and improved versions of MacCaption (Mac) and CaptionMaker (Windows) products. The user interface has had a more contemporary facelift and there have also been functionality improvements. New integration allows Telestream’s Vantage customers to automate many types of captioning-related workflows including file-conversions.

Support for the latest caption formats and specs, including SMPTE 2052 and WebTT with full CEA-608 compatible formatting, plus CEA-708 digital caption authoring will be included in these new versions of MacCaption and CaptionMaker.