i TV

I tend to forget things and then remember them at the oddest time, so I look for applications that help me remember, or allow me to schedule things from anywhere.   I.TV for the Iphone is such an application.   It is free and available through the Itune store. When you first sign in, it will ask for your zip code and your service provider.   It then updates the information for your area. There are two sections one is for movies and the other is for TV.  In the movie section you can see what playing at your local theatre.  You can watch preview’s, read reviews and even purchase tickets. You can also email movie start time, and information to a friend.  If I.TV had just this available it would be a great app, but that only a small part of what it offers.

The other main section is the TV section. When you first open the TV section up you get all channel you receive.  One of he first thing you will probably want to do is set up your favorite channel list.  You do this by tapping on a show on the channel, hit the thumbs up button and choose favorite channel.  You can also choose favorite shows the same way. Like with the movies you can preview a TV show. The preview can be a simple preview or it may also include comments from the actor or director. Again I like the Gallery option where you can see still shots from the show. There is also a link for Wikapedia, where you can get the shows synopsis, history and further links to other information. You can also read reviews of the show.
If you click the watch button at top of the show screen, you have the option to schedule the show to record on a TiVo, find it on Netfix , or be notified by email of a show being scheduled.   You can also share the information with a friend.

Once you have set everything up all that information is now found under My Media.  Where you will find a list of your favorite shows and channels.  You can also browse by Genre or channel. If you have a Netflix account you can add to, delete and reorder items in your queue.   I am sure I am missing somethings, but this should give you an idea of how useful this application can be. It will crash on occasion, especially if your battery is low, which is the only negative thing I can say about it. For me, this is  a 5 star application  I would recommend it to anyone who loves TV or the movies,
