Todoist is my favorite to-do list management app. I use it every day on my Mac and my iOS devices. Earlier this week, Todoist released an Apple Watch version of the app that brings many of the app’s functions to Apple’s smallest screen. Here’s a list of key features:
- Glance View allows you to view your next upcoming task and the number of tasks you have left for the day.
- Main View gives you access to your Inbox, Today view, Projects, Labels (Premium), and Filters.
- Quick-Add with Voice Command allows users to add new tasks to Todoist by simply speaking them into the watch.
- Reminders will provide a gentle buzz on the wrist when you’re near a certain location or at the exact date/time associated with your task.
- Notifications are a great way to keep up with shared tasks, as Todoist will let you know when someone sends you a new task or comments on an existing task.
Todoist worked hard to make use of the Apple Watch’s small display to ensure its app worked well with a minimalist design. The primary objective with the app’s layout is to keep things focused and distraction free. Todoist carried this mindset over from its other apps which are set up to allow you to focus on whatever you need to work on now, so you’re not burning brain cycles thinking about stuff you need to do tomorrow, next week or next year.
In order to start using Todoist on your Apple Watch, just download the app (if you don’t have it already) to your iPhone, open the Apple Watch app and enable Todoist on your watch in the “My Watch” tab.
Then get ready for your productivity level to soar!