Preparing for the Kindle Fire: Amazon App Store Updates to 2.0

Next Tuesday, November 15th, Amazon will release the much-anticipated Kindle Fire.  The 7″ Android tablet has been rumored to be receiving a huge number of pre-orders – 250,000 in the first 5 days if the news reports are correct.  Now, with the release only 5 days away, Amazon has bumped their App Store to version 2.0.

The new look of the App Store is designed to make it more tablet-compatible.  In fact, the user interface looks very Kindle Fire-like with the new UI being a mix of greys and black, instead of the previous mostly white background.  Amazon has also introduced better control with the addition of Parental Controls, plus they have enabled in-app purchases.

You can get instructions for adding or updating the Amazon App Store on your mobile device by visiting this Amazon page.  Check out the screenshots of the new App Store posted below.