It has been a couple of years since I took some picture of the studio. I will try and describe the best I can what you see in each picture and the purpose of each item. I have built this studio over the past 6 years. It should be noted that these are the tools of my livelihood and keep my family fed, and is way beyond what most content creators will ever need.
This is an overall shot looking into the studio. I will break each item out separately in the images below.
From the Top Down, Solo 610 Classic Vacum Tube Mic Amplifier, 2-Telos Phone Bridge for patching in land line calls, Aphex Compellor (Only used when I have a bad audio recording), Furman Power Conditioner, DBX 215 2 channel equalizer, DBX 266xl Compressor Gate, Aphex 204 Aural Exciter, Mackie Onyx 1620i Mixer, HP Laptop running Windows 7 that is used to push Video to Justin.TV as secondary video feed.
First 2 monitors stacked on top of one another are the Ohanasaurus I can have 2 video skype calls come into the studio which are feed to the tricaster which is not pictured here. The OhanaSaurus design came from the SkypeSaurus that Leo Laporte has. The second monitor is displaying Adobe Audition 2.0 and it is connected to a Ultra Quiet Windows 7 Machine from Sweetwater that gets its audio feed via firewire from the Mackie mixer. The 4th Monitor is the control panel for the Tricaster TCXD-850 by Newtek. I am currently using a AKG K271 MK II Headset. If you look closely by the GoDaddy sign you will see a Zoom H4N which acts as my backup Audio Recorder in case murphies law strikes. You will also see I use Logitech Trackballs on almost all the computers.
The first 2 monitors are connected to a consumer grade HP Desktop. The monitor on the left’s video is fed into the Tricaster by a Newtek product called iVGA so what ever is seen on that monitor can be feed to the Tricaster. The monitor in the middle is where I have the program line up. The 17″ Mac Pro on the right is what I monitor the show video stream from. It is connected to a secondary network connection and I can make sure that the live feed is indeed Live. I also use that machine for video editing when I travel. On the desk is a LiveControl LC-11 switcher that allows me to run the camera selections, overlays etc.. Note the switcher that is there today is getting replaced later this week with a new switcher designed for the Tricaster TCXD-850. Microphone is from BlueMic Mouse that I absolutely love.
The Tricaster TCXD-850 is the heart of the video operations. I am currently feeding it 2 HD Cameras, 2 SD cameras, 2 Skype Video Feeds, 1 Network Feed. All told it makes doing my show a complete pleasure. It is a bit of a beast so I have it mounted in a sound proof case whick keeps the studio quiet. The tricaster records the video as well along with a host of other cool things, and also sends the video stream to
Looking from the back of the room you can see two cameras both Sony’s but different models. I light the room with LED Lights from LitePanels. All of this gear is backed up with 5 UPS. I have had electricians in, and they have run more power to this room. Now the amazing part, because I am in Hawaii the tradewinds keep the studio a very nice 70 degrees and I very rarely have to run the A/C unit that is attached to the room. All of it is connected with three separate internet connections, a commercial account with Time Warner, DSL from Hawaiian Telecom and a 4G Clearwire connection.
All of it is secured by a state of the art alarm system, the entire property has multiple professional day and night cameras as well which are monitored and fed offsite.
If you have questions I would be happy to answer them in the comment section. I am also available for consulting anyplace in the world.