Hulu Plus Review

I took advantage of the Hulu Plus free trial week, because I wanted to see if it is worth the monthly subscription fee. After a week of using it, I have decided for me it is not worth the price. The reasons it is not worth the price for me is the following

 1. The shows I want are not available on the Iphone or Ipad
 2. Shows expire
 3. The commercials
 4. Its still not available on the TiVo
 5. It is blocking Google TV and Boxee

Once I decided to try Hulu Plus I started to look around at shows that I wanted to watch. The first thing I noticed was that more then half were not available on the Iphone, which is where I watch a lot of my videos, so that is strike one. Strike two was the fact that shows that I wanted to watch like Fringe expire and become unavailable. I went back to catch up with Fringe and the shows from earlier this season had expired and were not available. I don’t understand the point of expiring videos, especially those from the current season. Strike three are the commercials. I have no problem with commercials in the free version I realize companies have to make money to survive. However if I am paying a subscription I don’t want to see commercials. I would prefer to be given a choice to pay more and see no commercials or pay minimum and get commercials. It is still not available for the TiVo and if its anything like the wait for Pandora, it will be awhile before it will be. I don’t have either the Boxee Box and or Google TV, but the fact that Hulu is blocking both of them is just dumb. If I connect my mac mini to my TV I can watch Hulu Plus, but if I connect my Google TV I can’t, how this makes sense I don’t know. Finally, and this a purely a personal thing there are not enough anime shows available.

I will probably take another look at Hulu Plus at a later date, but for now a combination of Netflix, Itunes, Amazon and Crunchyroll along with my TiVo take care of my video needs at this time. If you use Hulu Plus what do you like about it and is there anything you would change about it.

One thought on “Hulu Plus Review

  1. I subscribed to Hulu Plus to see the complete episodes of “Hawaii Five O” & “True Blood” and not Either One is added to the content. And also I’m paying $7.99 monthly to see TV Shows with commercials? Come On, Give me a break! I Just Canceled It. The Only Different between Free and Paid Version is, You are Wasting Your Money!!

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