I have a fantastic show for you tonight one that you will not want to miss. Lots going on in the Privacy front that you need to get up to speed. Big thank you to all of the Insiders you all are making a difference and it is appreciated. Will have a double insider for you this week. Have had a pretty fast adaption back to the new time zone, guess my body never caught up while I was at home.
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NYC 4G Speed!
Hearing Aid for Time Traveler.
Second Run
Qwest to Ease Network Congestion on wireless networks.
Show Links:
Stunning Time Lapse Video.
Saturn giving up some Secrets.
Watch for Venus.
Google Sues US Government.
Netflix available for Windows Phone 7.
Hadron Collider doomsday watch site.
Windows XP Business Adoption thru 2014.
Update to iPad coming Soon.
Sony Bluray Player and Google TV.
NYC gets 4G!
Gmail on Twitter.
Hate Facebook?
Cablevision pays off Fox.
Google TV and Karaoke?
Other P2P Sites dramatic Increase in Usage.
Facebook puts developers in Time Out Box.
Texting under the Covers.
Anti-Cyberbullying 101
Assume the Position (I did).
Xbox 1 Billion Viewer Hours per Month!
T-Mobile new Data Plans.
Roku kills Playon!
Robot to the Moon?
Twitter Ads in Stream.
Devs running from OpenOffice.
North Korea and battle against Technology.
Where you late for work in the UK?
FOIA becoming Political?
Blogger in Canada sued for Linking.
EFF Suing Government.
You cannot Patent Genes.
ACTA and Secondary Liability.
NYC 311 Calls Data Mining.
Geocities available for download.
2600 available on Kindle.
iPad helps disabled child.
Insta Table.
Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!
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