Mobile Content Venture: Live TV on the Go with Dyle

Somewhere in the back of a closet in a box, I have a portable TV. I use to carry it with me when I went camping or to a ball game. If I wanted to watch TV would simply turn it on and pull out the antenna and I was ready to go. Unfortunately when everything went digital, the TV became useless. Mobile Content Venture has joined with Samsung and Metro PCS, the 5th largest wireless carrier to bring mobile live TV back to the US consumer. The handset is made by Samsung and has an embedded mobile E. DTV tuner. Mobile Content Venture created the software application called Dyle which allows you to watch live TV over the device. Once the device is released in the US it will be available in 14 cities. They hope to expand to up to 32 cities. Depending on your location you can receive up to 6 channels including ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, PBS and ION. You can also use Twitter, Facebook on the device.

If you already have a iOS device, then you might want to consider a Belkin accessory. This is a small dongle which connects to your iOS device using the 30 pin connector. Normally you would need an antenna to watch live TV however Belkin and Mobile Content Venture have developed a way around that problem by making the headphones the antenna. When you are ready to watch TV, just hit the Dyle application and you are ready to go.

At this time there is no pricing or availability date for the US for either of these two devices. The Dyle application will be free and available from the iOS store.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central and Interview by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine

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