GNC-2011-01-24 #642 Under Doctors Orders!

Share with you some details that has been affecting the show and what I am doing about it. I also announce a new underwriter program for the show listen to find out how you can become an underwriter and get exposure on the show. I have a pile of stuff for you today all of it hot of the press.

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Listener Links
Net Neutrality: Verizon to challenge FCC
Michigan Company’s Solar/Windmill Lighting Products
Eye-Fi Wireless Cards
Overview and Comments on the New Epson R3000 Printer
Review of WD TV Live from a Photographer’s Perspective
Brickify Lego Fan Resource!
Pentalobe Screwdriver.
Norway’s Harp.

Show Notes:
Uproar over missing Google Reader.
Nationwide Keystroker!
Cargo to ISS via Japanese.
ISS Spacewalk.
NASA Replaced injured astronaut.
Google and VP8 is not a Standard?
RIAA Lawyer Nominated to Solicitor General?
How many pirates are there?
25% Fake Files via P2P.
IPV4 Running on Empty.
US Broadband Slow!
Maleware updates itself.
Pirate bay has something planned of IFBI.
Inside Foxconn Factory.
Sean Parker says Social Network work of Fiction.
Mass Extinction by Coal.
Yes China steals everything.
TSA gets beat badly in court!
NFL + Toyota + Safety = Nervous NFL
UFC goes after
Religion and Space.
NASA remembers space heroes!
Big Hubble Announcement on Wed 1pm EST.
WOW Orion Nebula!
Uranus 25yrs Ago!
Sleep Cycle get it Squared.
5 Billion in online Ads by 2013
Fastmac U-Sockets.
House Legislation going after extending surf history
Wayback Machine gets a makeover.
EZTV launches BitTorrent RSS Protocol.
Facebook Credits to rock gaming world.
Magic Box + Apple Magsafe connector = Success
House Fire from looking for Remote!
Lens Pens Video!
Dual Sided Magnet Cases.
Rugged iPad cover with mouse! (Pick of the Day)
Dia Digital Picture Frames.
Video Name Tag!
Sony 3D Consumer Cameras!
Qmadix line of iPad Accessories.
Insure your stuff!

About Todd Cochrane

Todd Cochrane is the Founder of Geek News Central and host of the Geek News Central Podcast. He is a Podcast Hall of Fame Inductee and was one of the very first podcasters in 2004. He wrote the first book on podcasting, and did many of the early Podcast Advertising deals in the podcasting space. He does two other podcasts in addition to Geek News Central. The New Media Show and Podcast Legends.