Author Introduction: James Connors

Hello, Geek News Central Ohana! I wanted to introduce myself before posting any articles up. My name is James Connors. I’m a student at the Boston University School of Management where I study Business Administration with dual concentrations in Finance and Management Information Systems. But you want to know who I am.

I am a technologist at heart. I am an early adopter. I am a teacher and a student. I am a podcaster, blogger, and geek. When I’m not saving Boston University’s networks, I enjoy exploring Boston, hiking in the woods, and volunteering for the US Air Force Auxiliary, Civil Air Patrol, as a Search and Rescue officer.

My goal for contributing to the GNC community is to bring a younger point of view on some of the newest technologies and trends as they come available. I know there are other younger listeners here because GNC was what made me decide to start College Tech Central. College Tech Central is a podcast where I try to make technology more accessible and easy to use for college students and young professionals.

I look forward to interacting with all of you but if you want to see more of my writing, you can find my personal blog, my travel blog (I’m abroad for 6 months at the moment), and of course, the CTC website. Happy Blogging!

About J Powers

Podcaster, Blogger, IT Specialist. Been working in IT for over 15 years. Supported Windows 95 upon initial Launch and have worked in desktop, server and Web site support roles. Started Geekazine in 2007 and launched 5 shows from it. Speaker on many topics in Podcasting and technology. Also a musician.