Texas College Bans MySpace.com

Well what will it be next, blogs, podcast, google. In a very interesting development a community college has upset a large percentage of their students and blocked access to MySpace from the campus network. [Yahoo]

3 thoughts on “Texas College Bans MySpace.com

  1. I’m not a big Myspace fan by any means, but the reason they’re giving in the article is that traffic to myspace.com was eating all of their bandwidth. If that was really it, why wouldn’t they just control it with QoS? It seems they could’ve easily lowered the bandwidth priority to Myspace without just blocking it.

  2. I’m not a big Myspace fan by any means, but the reason they’re giving in the article is that traffic to myspace.com was eating all of their bandwidth. If that was really it, why wouldn’t they just control it with QoS? It seems they could’ve easily lowered the bandwidth priority to Myspace without just blocking it.

  3. I think it’s going to continue. It’s so popular and of course with that comes problems, and it all boils down to parents need to monitor their kids, but I think we will soon start seeing myspace being banned in a lot of schools, work areas, etc. Luckily I have both my bosses on mine :P

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