Publicity Promotion for Podcaster News Network

From the website see disclaimer below. We are working hard to get the word out to the masses on the Podcaster News Network and thought we would introduce a publicity promotion. From now till the middle of February we will be watching what listeners and podcasters have to say about PCN via their blog entries. We will take the top five submitted entries and give them some free air time across our family of shows.

So if you like what we are doing at PCN, or you love a specific show or category of the network and you write a web post on it let us know, it could turn into some great publicity for your own site. Drop us a email at feedback “at” with the URL to the post, and we will add you to the list of sites that we will vote on. If you are a podcaster, and talk about us on your show be sure to send us episode and time hack.

Disclaimer: I am the CEO of RawVoice the Parent company of Podcaster News Network