Worshipping at the Altar of Apple Tomorrow

When I started reading the following linked article over on Gizmodo this evening, I nearly sprayed soda all over my computer screen when I read the following about the Apple event in the morning.

“Apple has an event tomorrow, and it will be the Biggest Consumer Technology News of 2012. It will likely remain the Biggest Consumer Technology News of 2012 until Apple’s next event, which may then overtake it.”

Thinking some fan boy had went off the deep end, in their worshiping at the alter of Apple I almost did not read the rest of the article. Realizing a paragraph or two later that the comment was made in jest, it did make me sit back and think a little on how, we as bloggers treat Apple. One thing is correct though if you had a event planned for tomorrow you better re-schedule as it will be all hands on deck for the Apple announcement.

Speaking of fan boys, I have a fan girl, my wife who never asks for anything special has already asked me to order here a new iPad! When my wife knows that a new apple product about to hit the street, things have jumped the shark.

So will you be worshipping at the altar of Apple tomorrow with your credit card in hand? Personally I am not sure about the worship part but I will have my credit card in hand and will be watching the live blog feeds along with millions of others.

Image: Blogger with Bullhorn by BigStock

About Todd Cochrane

Todd Cochrane is the Founder of Geek News Central and host of the Geek News Central Podcast. He is a Podcast Hall of Fame Inductee and was one of the very first podcasters in 2004. He wrote the first book on podcasting, and did many of the early Podcast Advertising deals in the podcasting space. He does two other podcasts in addition to Geek News Central. The New Media Show and Podcast Legends.

One thought on “Worshipping at the Altar of Apple Tomorrow

  1. A lot of people take a lot of things too seriously on the internet. The partisan gushings witnessed regarding a lot of topics is a sight to behold.

    Not sure I know anybody who sits there refreshing apple.com ready to bang in their credit card number at the first opportunity though. People queue for hours outside the stores on launch day so I suppose they must do the equivalent on the internet but as a serious Apple user, but not one who would queue for anything if it can be avoided, it’s all a bit baffling to me.

    I’ll be following the announcement bloggers though.

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