With my invitation to Google music secured, the Google Music Manager installed on my PC, and 90 GB of music slowly making its way to the cloud, there is one final hurdle to overcome. That is installing the Google Music app on my Droid X. After all, what good is all of this if I can’t have my music on my mobile device wherever I go? So, that is what we are going to walk through now. We will install and explore this service together as novices.
Start off by searching the Android Market for “Google Music”. The official app should be the very first result.
Click to download and install the app. It’s a small file and should take less than one minute. Once it has installed you can launch the app for the first time. Oddly it shows up under the simple name of “Music” as opposed to “Google Music”.
Once launched, the interface was simple but it also told me that there were “no music files available”. I had assumed I would need to log into my Google account, but there was no option to do so anywhere within the program.
As it turns out, the install should prompt you to associate an account with the app – mine had not done that. I uninstalled, re-downloaded, and installed again. This can actually take some work and Googling to get it working. There are some crazy solutions out there, some of the them are pure voodoo. But, voodoo isn’t real, and I can’t say exactly how to get it to work, all I can tell you is to keep trying. This can prove to be frustrating and different solutions are probably available for different model devices.
(Yes, I know I didn’t remove my email from the above screenshot, I will just trust all of you not to spam me, and welcome you to contact me with questions or comments). So, now we are in business. Since I only have one account associated with my phone I did not have to choose it, but was automatically linked. At this point you receive a welcome screen – and my congratulations for persevering through all of the crap that Google is putting their Music beta testers through on Android.
And now, finally we arrive at the finish line. The player is open and shows all of the music that uploaded from your PC to the cloud. Press the menu button and you get the options seen at the bottom of the following screenshot. Scroll across the top of the screen menu and you can choose from artist, album, genre, etc.
You may have a LOT of trouble getting here, but once installed, Google Music is pretty darn cool. If you haven’t yet signed up for the service then you can request an invitation at Google Music. Expect a delay of at least two weeks before hearing anything. Consider that your patience warm-up to installing the Android app…
Once installed you can go into “settings” on the droid and specify which Google account to use for this. If you set up your droid with your gmail address that you also have used for the PC to load the music you should be golden.
where did u find that information? i have not had an easy time as you i cant login still