Geek News Central Podcast #25 2004-12-31

The 25th edition of the Geek News Central Podcast with current downloads averaging nearly 11,000 per show. We are beyond pleased and want to say thanks for listening. I continue to battle background noise and my audio quality is not where I want it yet, without breaking the bank I got to get my hands around this. Have asked for some advice and if any of you are hardcore audio buffs I need some schooling.

Winner of the $20.00 Voice mail contest goes to Chris @


The Point
Challenges to Blogging for Corporations
LokiTorrent fights the evil empire MPAA
eBay says Fired to Net Passport
Online Shopping up?
Microsoft crying over vulnerability announcement!
VOIP via your Airplane?
Trojan Horse affecting Windows XP Users
The Real world of Day 0 files
Spyware being put on your Computer by the RIAA?
Whats your New Years Resolution?
New Shuttle Tank ready to Fly
Prior ISS Crew ate to much!
Just what does a Progress re-supply ship bring the ISS?
UPC Scam scores couple 1.5 Million and trip to Jail
Lasers being pointed at Commercial Jets not at all funny.
Technorati has a new search engine (we think)

About Todd Cochrane

Todd Cochrane is the Founder of Geek News Central and host of the Geek News Central Podcast. He is a Podcast Hall of Fame Inductee and was one of the very first podcasters in 2004. He wrote the first book on podcasting, and did many of the early Podcast Advertising deals in the podcasting space. He does two other podcasts in addition to Geek News Central. The New Media Show and Podcast Legends.

One thought on “Geek News Central Podcast #25 2004-12-31

  1. Todd,
    Great job on the podcast. You asked about quality; I transfer your cast to a tungsten T as sort of an ipod experience. Tungsten does not recognize your codec so I bring it into Goldwave and convert it to 44 Hz, 192 kbps, stereo transfer to Tungsten and listen away. By the way, we’er in Vegas, my son’s a geek and is going to CES;
    Have a great time in town!!

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