In just a few weeks the Blogger and Podcaster event of the year gets underway in Las Vegas Nevada. BlogWorld and New Media Expo is now a combined event where Bloggers and Podcasters get to hang out together in a single event.
Not only will I be speaking but my company RawVoice will be exhibiting, we have some great swag to give away that we predict will be the coolest show swag at the event.
I will be speaking on Saturday at 11:30 on the topic “How to prep your show to make it Advertiser Friendly”. This is a session you will not want to miss, bring your pens because five years of experience in the podcast advertising space allows me to bring real experience and not just theory to the table.
Sadly we will miss talking with the folks from Podtrac and Wizzard Media who are competitors of ours in the space, but have opted to not exhibit this year for unknown reasons.
Make sure you stop by our booth Friday as we will be handing out tickets to a special event we are having Friday evening as well.
We are well prepared to talk to bloggers about the benefits of podcasting and they should stop by and have a chat with us as we have some cool ideas to share. You will want to get one of our custom-made T-Shirts as well that we feel will be a major hit.
See you in Vegas!