Tag Archives: Tumblr

NASA is on Tumblr

NASA logo on TumblrNASA has been branching out on social media. It has two verified Twitter accounts. One is @NASA and the other is for the International Space Station @Space_Station. You can also find Twitter accounts for several astronauts. NASA has recently created some Tumblr blogs.

The main NASA Tumblr blog is called NASA. It says “Explore the universe and discover our home planet with the official NASA Tumblr.” At the time I am writing this, the NASA Tumblr blog has a video about the first veggies grown, harvested, and eaten in space at the top of its blog.

There is also a Curiosity Rover Tumblr. The description says “Roving Mars for science. Blogging it for you. Official NASA mission Tumblr”. It has images taken by the Mars Rover (including a selfie). This Tumblr blog also has information about Mars and a link to the recent Curiosity Rover Reddit AMA.

NASA has a third Tumblr blog called Astronaut Peggy Whitson. It has photos and information about the NASA Village. The description says “It takes a NASA Village … to train an astronaut.” This Tumblr blog will follow Peggy Whitson as she trains for a six-month mission on the International Space Station.

Tumblr Announces Answer Time

Tumblr Answer TimeTumblr has announced a new feature that has recently been added. It is called Answer Time. It might be Tumblr’s attempt to compete with Reddit’s AMA (Ask Me Anything) as well as other social media platforms that involve a famous person answering questions from the general public. In May, President Obama did a question and answer session about climate change on Twitter.

In order to participate in Answer Time, you need to have a Tumblr account. Tumblr will give people plenty of notice whenever an interesting ask box has opened. Five of them are being highlighted right now. In short, Answer Time enables users of Tumblr to ask questions to famous people who also have a Tumblr account. Tumblr says that Answer Time will include musicians, artists, actors, politicians, and internet personalities.

There are five upcoming Answer Time events planned. Users of Tumblr can ask any of the featured famous people a question right now, and that person might answer it during his or her scheduled Answer Time.

The band Fall Out Boy will be answering questions on June 8. Vic Mensa (rap artist) will answer questions on June 9. Molly McAleer (author and co-founder of HelloGiggles) will answer questions on June 11. Cecile Richards (President of Planned Parenthood Federation) will answer questions on June 12. David Karp (founder and CEO of Tumblr) will answer questions on June 16.

Tumblr Savior Filters Tumblr for You

Tumblr Savior screenshotTumblr can be extremely fun to use. Connect to people who you share an interest with and your dashboard will be full of wonderful things that make you happy. Unfortunately, Tumblr can stop being fun if one (or more) of the people you follow start posting things that you really do not want to see.

What can you do? One option, of course, is to unfollow them. Doing so will remove the things you are hoping to avoid, but it also takes out all the good stuff the person posts. Another option, one I recently started using, is Tumblr Savior.

Tumblr Savior is a browser add-on that was created by Bjorn Stromberg. You can use it with Chrome, Safari, Opera, or Firefox. I use a Mac and I am using Tumblr Savior on my Safari browser. I love it! You can download the version you need for free.

Once you install it, you can access Tumblr Savior by clicking on the T icon that should now appear in your browser. It will bring up a “black list” and a “white list”. The “black list” is where you put terms or phrases that you would like Tumblr Savior to filter out for you.

Just like that, those annoying posts are gone! Instead of seeing it, you will get a note about it. It will say something like “’Person You Follow’ made a post containing: ‘word on your black list'”. You can leave it be. Or, if you are curious, you can click on that note and see the post.

Tumblr Savior is a good way to avoid “spoilers”. Put the name of a TV show, or movie, that you haven’t watched yet on your “black list”. Watch the movie (or TV show). Later, go back to your Tumblr Savior and take out those words.

Tumblr had a Security Glitch

tumblr logoTumblr users might want to change their password. The official Tumblr feed announced an important security update for people who were using Tumblr on an iPhone or iPad.

If that describes you, Tumblr suggests that you download an update. There is a link on the Tumblr announcement page that you can click to download the update.

In addition to the update, Tumblr also suggests that you change your password if you have been using either the iPad or iPhone apps to access Tumblr. The reason for the update (and the suggestion that you change your password) is in response to a security issue. Something in the iPad and iPhone Tumblr apps allowed passwords to be compromised “in certain circumstances”.

It appears that if you only access Tumblr from their website that you won’t need to download the update. It also sounds like people who used the Android app to access Tumblr are unaffected by this security glitch.

I just started using Tumblr fairly recently, but I realize it has been around for quite a while. The biggest benefit I’m seeing so far is that I can “follow” the Tumblr accounts of my friends directly through Tumblr. For me, this means I can take their Tumblr accounts out of the Reader I’m using (FeedWizard). It’s much easier just to check them out through Tumblr itself.

Will Yahoo! Screw Up Tumblr?

Today Yahoo! announced they have purchased Tumblr for $1.1 billion. Of course, Yahoo’s track record for buying companies seems to be that of a kid with ADHD at Christmas time – by February they want new toys. Will this be a great deal for Yahoo! or will we they just push aside for another acquisition down the road.

Yahoo! Acquires Tumblr

Tumblr, a microblogging and social networking platform that was founded by David Karp in 2007 was purchased by Yahoo! for $1.1 billion dollars. Tumblr brings in 175 employees and 108.5 million blogs that reach 44 million people. This inlcudes the thousands of blogs that were imported from Posterous a few months back.

The Exodus from Tumblr to WordPress May Show No Faith in Yahoo! Tumblr

Yahoo Keep Calm gif
Yahoo Keep Calm animated gif (click on to see the image)

According to Matt Mullenweg’s blog today, imports have spiked to WordPress after the news of Yahoo! purchase. “Normally we import 400-600 posts and hour from Tumblr, last hour is was over 72,000.”

Marissa Meyer replied with a “We won’t screw this up” answer. She posted on her own Tumblr (the one with a very annoying gif saying “NOW PANIC and FREAK OUT” followed by “Keep Calm and Carry On”. You can see the annoying gif here.

“We promise not to screw it up.” says Mayer. “Tumblr is incredibly special and has a great thing going.  We will operate Tumblr independently.  David Karp will remain CEO.  The product roadmap, their team, their wit and irreverence will all remain the same as will their mission to empower creators to make their best work and get it in front of the audience they deserve.  Yahoo! will help Tumblr get even better, faster.”

GNC-2010-12-07 #632 Fighting Something Nasty

I announce the 2010 24hr Podcast Charity, “The Coalition to Salute Americas Heroes” (CSAH). The geek here is fighting something nasty, so a little shorter show than normal, but it is still jammed packed with info. I have a huge number of announcements tonight that surround everything going on.. Thanks for your support and all the great emails coming in. Feel free to comment on the show via email or the hotline at 1-619-342-7365

Please check out our new Sponsor Luxor, they are one of the official sponsor for CES 2011. Really excited to have them on-board and will be sharing a lot about their property over the next couple of weeks.

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SpaceX Critical Launch Delayed?
Another Jupiter Sized Planet?
NASA Sail.
Sleeping Qtrs on ISS.
Nexus S Back Story.
Google needs their own News Channel.
Mac App Store to Launch on 13th.
To Walk Again!
AT&T gets beat up again!
The Morning Tech Show – PC 1 and Mac 0
Neighbor Wars!
Gmail Priority Inbox.
SnowFox Free?
MPAA gets tough on Colleges.
Netflix Competitor.
Cord Cutting.
US Copyright Corp gets Slammed.
Torrent-Finder to Fight!
Kids Detained in P2P Torrent Server round-ups.
Wi-Fi in all Federal Buildings.
100 Billion in bad $100 Bills.
Don’t speed get entered in Lottery.
Tumblr Crash and Burns.
Google E-Book.
Founder Control.
Feds arrest Idiot Business Owner.
Barbie Video Warning.
Nissan Leaf.
Newsday drops Paywall?
US Copyright Idiots.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2007-07-17 #285

Best wishes go out to Derek and his family on his recovery from surgery to stop the spread of cancer. I play one of his songs at the end of the show be sure to check out his website!

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Show Notes:
Verizon Copper
FIOS Traps Customers
Broadcast.com IPO Slides
MIT Open Courseware
ZipTorrent Evil
Sleep is for the Week
RIAA Spend versus return Ration
Immediate Media Age
Cell Tower Attack
Net Radio and DRM
RIAA Pays Big Finally
ADM Thoughts
Windows Home Server RTM
Lego Carrier
33 Percent want iPhone
Pownce, Twitter, Jaiku, Tumblr One Post
SEO Secrets
NASA Contracts on Engines Signed
Small Laptops
Engaging Brand
iPhone Bugs
Coolers Masters NotePal
AllTunes 1 Visa ?
Rolling Blackouts Coming?
CDN Space competition coming
FIOS Tricks
Astronauts Launch Trials
Hacker Unlocks Microsoft DRM
Google Knows All!
iPhone WiFi