Tag Archives: Solar

B-Squares: Modular Solar Powered Electrics

I sometimes think that between KickStarter and Etsy anything that can be imagined, will become reality…

Today’s funding opportunity from KickStarter are B-Squares, a 3D modular solar powered energy system that connects up using magnetic and electrical contacts. There’s solar cell square, a rechargeable battery square, an Arduino square, an LED square and iPhone charger square. The more squares you have, the more you can do.

It’s a project by Jordan McRae and Shawn Frayne, and it’s already been fully funded after just 5 days. There’s various levels of funding that you can go for, from $15 for a single solar square through to 15 squares for $250. There’s further coverage over at cnet.

If you haven’t already appreciated how brilliant these are, just watch the video. Then you’ll get it.

Dexim: Charging Solutions for Your Iphone or Ipod

Dexim offers several quality charging solutions for the iPhone and iPod. The P-Flip Foldable Solar Power which is a solar battery and dock. It allows you to charge and sync your iPhone or iPod using solar power. It takes about 15 hours of direct sunlight to do a full charge. You can also charge through the mini-USB cable that is included. The battery output 5VDC and has an input power of 5V 1000mA.

They also offers a P-flip Foldable Power which charges through the USB cable only and is a little smaller. Both the P-Flip Foldable Solar Power and the P-flip Foldable Power can extend talk time up to 8 hours, music up to 60 hours, video up to 15 hours and gaming up to 15 hours.

The Super Juice Power Case acts both as a case and a charger. It is made for iPhone 4 only. It extends talk time up to 6 hours, 40 hours for music, 10 hours for video. It has a 2000mAH lithium polymer battery. There is a micro-USB cable included which allows you to charge your phone without removing the case.

There is a built-in kickstand and an on/off switch included. If you are looking to save some energy at home you may want to take a look at the Visible Green Charge. When you are charging your iPhone or iPod a blue light flows through the charging cable.  As the charge reaches 65 percent the flow starts slowing down. When the iPhone  reaches a full charge the light flow stops and the charger shuts down. This can save up to 85 percent of the standby power, when your device is not charging. This is a fast and easy way to know when your device has finished charging and save some money while you are at it.

Interview by Tom Newman from Fogview

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GoalZero Portable Solar Charging Solutions!

Green was another big theme again at CES 2011 and GoalZero had a full line of portable recharging products. I have often been skeptical of these types of devices but it is obvious that GoalZero know what they are doing and use a very logical approach to their entire product line. If you want something that will simply charge a phone, or something that will keep a light on all night or charge a laptop they have it and it will scale.

Combining battery storage with solar technology is a great combination and the prices are such that any outdoor person would consider picking up some of their solutions. This is the portable solar powered charging solution that I can endorse without reservation!

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Microlink FR160

The Microlink FR160, from Eton, may be a niche product, but it’s indispensable in the right situations.  Which situations would that be?  There are two big ones that spring to mind.  One is if you live in an area where power outages are common.  Two is if you are heading out into the wilderness where there is no reliable cellular connection.

I have been eying it for the latter reason.  My son and I are avid hikers and frequently spend time in areas where cell towers are uncommon, to say the least.  With a hope of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail in 2012, we will need a way of getting, at the least, weather updates wherever we are.  We need something small and light, since everything will be carried on our backs.  We need something that can be charged via solar, since batteries are weight and chargers don’t plug in when you’re in the wilderness.  And lastly, I need a way to charge my cell phone so I can let my wife know we’re alive on those occasions when we are in range of a connection.

So here’s what you get with the DR160:

  • Solar Charger
  • Hand Crank
  • AM/FM/NOAA Weather Band
  • USB Phone Charger
  • Flashlight
  • 2.5″ x 1.75″ x 5.25″ dimensions
  • 0.85 pounds weight

The keys here, for me, are the NOAA Weather band, Solar/hand crank chargers, USB phone charger, size and weight.  That’s everything you need on a trail or during a hurricane.  The flashlight is a bonus, and having an extra never hurts.

The best part is the price – $29.95 on Amazon.  Not bad, considering all of the options you get here.  And, for those who care about such things, it even comes in colors – green, blue, red, and black.

Soon we will be heading into Shenandoah National Park for a hiking and camping trip.  I know from experience that I have no cell connection there.  So, I am hoping to pick one of these up beforehand to test it out.  I have heard good things, but you never know for sure until you get your hands on the product personally.  If it fits in the pack and does what it claims then I will be a happy hiker.

GNC-2010-07-23 #595 It’s a Hoax Mom!

Sorry Mom you got sucked in by a long running hoax. Special show recording times for next two shows will get started about 6pm EST or 3pm PST hope you will join me for a early live recording. A lot of positive things happening at RawVoice more when I can but for now I have to sit on it.. Thanks to all the long time listeners and all the new viewers this grand experiment continues to grow beyond belief!

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GNC-2010-06-04 #581 I Flat out Go Off on AT&T!

Are you as mad as I am over the latest AT&T announcement I get on the GNC Soapbox and stay there for a bit. Last show in Hawaii for two weeks, I head out to Texas and NY over the next 4 shows. Join me live at more civilized times. Listen to show for details. Looking for some feedback on the Insider Video on how you liked it..

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Sharp Solar Powered Car at CES 2010

Sharp is doing it’s part in being a greener, cleaner company and part of their initiatives is sponsoring a solar powered car that participated in a race. The solar powered car is capable of reaching speeds up to 90 miles per hour.

Check out this extensive interview by Jeffrey Powers of the Geekazine Podcasts.

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