Tag Archives: alarm clock

Sleep Time by Azumio Review

Sleep Time I work from home, and although I don’t have a required schedule I like getting up around the same time each weekday morning between 5 and 6:00 AM. My goal is to get between seven and seven and half hours of sleep. Anything less than that I feel like a zombie all day and anymore then that my day always seems out of sorts. In order for me to get up this early consistently I need to use an alarm clock. The trouble with most alarm clocks is that they tend to jar you awake and you get “that where am I feeling.” It then takes several minutes to feel normal. The solution I found to this problem is an app call Sleep Time by Azumio.

Sleep Time is available both in the Google Play Store and the iTunes App Store. With Sleep Time you set the time you want to get up and the alarm goes off by default within 30 minutes from when you set it. You can adjust the window of time under Settings then Wake Up Phase from thirty minutes down to zero minutes (which has Sleep Time working like a normal alarm). If you set the time period for anything other than zero then Sleep Time will wake you up during that window at a time when you are in light sleep status. This way you will wake up feeling refreshed and rested instead of like a zombie. Under settings you can change sound of the alarm or set it for vibrate only. You can also change or turn off the snooze time under settings.  Sleep Time measure your sleep status by using the phones accelerometer which measures how much you are moving. Sleep Time also keeps a record of how you have slept during the night, showing how much you were awake, in light sleep and in heavy sleep.

I like the Sleep Time app and have been using it now successfully for several months, however it is not without it’s faults. The first is that in order for it to work properly you must have it laying next to you on your bed. If you sleep with another person or animal Sleep Time will still work as long as you keep it close to you. It is also recommended that you keep the phone plugged in so the battery doesn’t go dead. So if you don’t sleep near an outlet you are kind of out of luck. Also some people may feel uncomfortable sleeping with an electronic device so close to their head. The second issue is if you are a restless sleeper there is a chance you could knock your phone off your bed. The final issue is that on rare occasions I have had the app freeze up on me, but this doesn’t happen very often. Despite these issues I like the Sleep Time app and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for an alarm clock.

Ivee Digit Alarm Clock

Ivee Digit talking alarm clockThe Ivee Digit alarm clock looks like an ordinary bedside LCD or LED alarm clock…but would it be at CES if it was just that? Andy and Courtney finds out what makes Ivee tick.

The Ivee Digit understands natural language and can respond to 35 voice commands and speaks the date, time and temperature. The big sister, Flex, includes a radio as well. You can tell Digit to set the alarm, tell you the time or snooze for another five minutes as you roll over for more ZZzzs.

Here’s a typical conversation with Ivee.

You: Hello Ivee
Ivee: Say a command
You: Set alarm 1
Ivee: Please tell me the alarm time
You: Seven o’clock am
Ivee: Alarm 1 is set to 7:00 am

Aside from the novelty value, it’s great for people who are short-sighted.

Interview by Andy McCaskey and Courtney Wallin of SDR News and RV News Net.

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Clocky The Alarm Clock that Moves

Gauri Nanda had a problem while she was at MIT she couldn’t get up for class in the morning, the snooze button had become her friend. She had to find a solution and quick. After looking around and not finding a reasonable solution, she decided to design some thing herself as part of an Industrial Design Course at the MIT Media Lab. What she came up with was Clocky. When the alarm goes off Clocky jumps from the dresser and starts moving around the room forcing the user to get out of bed and catch it to turn it off. At first Clocky was made just for Gauri Nanda, but then a blogger heard about it and began to sing its praises soon everyone wanted one. There was even an article in Inc. Magazine about it. Gauri Nanda set up a Web site Nanda’s Home and began selling the product on-line and in retail stores. Now Clocky has a more hip tech savvy version called Tocky which not only moves but it allows the user to input their own wake-up message or their favorite mp3. Clocky is $39.00 and can be found at the web site, at various on-line and off line dealers including Amazon. Tocky is sold for $69.00. Want something with an old-fashion analog face then try Ticky which sells for $59.00. Both Clocky and Tocky come in various colors and you can buy skins to change the color depending on your mood or decor.

Interview by Scott Elliot team member Tech Podcast Network

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