Category Archives: ie7

Does RSS Auto Discovery work on your Website?

FeediconFor some reason last Saturday when a buddy of mine said to me hey you know that IE7 has RSS Auto Discovery correct? Well it made me think, had I added the code necessary for Auto Discovery before? I immediately loaded one of my templates, and saw I had the auto discovery code already installed. Which was a good thing!

Now that IE7 has RSS Auto Discovery, a lot of new people are going to be investigating the feed icon, and once they get hooked into syndicated content stand-by as your RSS subscriptions are going to increase dramatically.

If you need instructions on how to add the code it is very simple and should take you about 30 seconds to get it added to your templates. [Microsoft Publishers Guide]

GNC-2006-10-20 #209

Great debate at the end of the show and I have fun smacking both Microsoft and Apple around today with a lot of hot topics that you are going to want to hear my commentary on! Ohh and a Old School Intro!

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IE7 Released Finally!

Ie7All I can say is that it is about time. For all of you that have stuck with IE through security risk, and outdated technology you can finally upgrade. The upgrade will allow you to have some of the features that Firefox users have been using for a couple of years.

Enjoy and I hope that the time between releases of Internet Explorers is shorter this time around, and hopefully Microsoft will not put the browser on the back burner again. [IE7 Blog] [Download it Today]

Some claim 2007 Will Be A Big Year For RSS?

RssThe author of the Read /Write Weblog says that 2007 will be a big year for RSS. Personally I am not as optimistic, but I have been wrong before. His reckoning is that because IE7 will have RSS integrated the masses not using RSS to get content will essentially see the light and join the party.

Sites that are going to benefit the most of course are major media outlets, web sites like mine which attract a niche crowd probably will not see such a significant impact. The main problem of course will be educating people on the power of syndication. When you have a large number of companies and bloggers using services like feedburner that makes your RSS feed look pretty in a browser some will get confused and bookmark the RSS page.

I see a lot of people doing that already! When someone clicks on my RSS link they get a page that when it loads they know is meant for a machine to read and not a human. I would love to see the statistics at Feedburner on the number of RSS page views they get a day that are from ordinary browsers.

So will 2007 be a big year for RSS? Will our RSS subscriptions climb by 90%? Your guess is as good as mine we will see if the prediction holds true. I would really love to be wrong on this one. []

Will IE6 Hacks mess up your website when viewed in IE7

Over the past year we have had to deal with major issues on website designs to make sure that the sites would view correctly in IE6 what we are finding now however is that hacks we put in for both IE6 and Safari are now breaking when viewed in IE7.

The problem a lot of web developers are going to be facing is determining what is the lesser of 2 evils. Many of the changes needed to make sites look correct in IE7 will definitely cause problems for those still on IE6 and those that use Safari very Firefox for Mac.

The best solution of course remains is to use Firefox which is the most tolerant. [IE7 Myth] (Link Submitted by Reader)