
FinderCodeFinderCode is a lost and found recovery system. It works off of QR codes tags. A single kit is $24.5 and comes with seven tags in it, there is a medium tag that is a keyring for keys, a small tag with a ring for cameras, binoculars and other gear and five adhesive tags. You can put a tag on any personal item. You then register the item at the FinderCode website. If you lose the item, then the person who finds it can scan the QR code or enter the alpha numeric text into the web site. Once they do that a text is then sent to you telling you the item is found and because the geo-location is embedded in the tag where the item is. There is the option to use Fed Ex if you can’t easily get to the location.

The FinderCode runs $24.95 per package at is available through the website and through Office Depot

Interview by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine. and by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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