To preview their forthcoming album, Tomorrow’s World, pop duo Erasure have produced a tribute to the future-gazing BBC TV show of the same name. British geeks of a certain age will fondly remember this TV programme for introducing us to gadgets such as Walkmans, CDs and camcorders. It was also notorious for showing off products that promptly disappeared and never made it to market. The programme ran from 1965 to 2003 and drew over 10 million viewers at its peak.
Erasure’s tribute is a reworking of the programme’s soundtrack and has an accompanying video that includes many famous gadgets from the past. Here it is.
he escuchado el album entero y solo digo que vince clarke y andy bell despues de casi 5 años des de el ultimo trabajo, no se han esforzado mucho , ya que el disco esta poco elavorado , si locomparas con: erasure 1995, y y say y say y say 1994,o chorus 1991. parece estar hecho deprisa y corriendo,ya que 5 años son muchos!y sin muchas ideas nuevas en lo musical,ya que escuchando tomorrow´s world parece que vince y andy se han subido al carro del eurodance de lady ga-ga o black eyes peas…bueno , en fin habra que esperar otros 5 años , haber si se encuentran mas inspirados que en los ultinos 5 albums.
It has been a while for both of them. Good to see one of them back, now what about Tomorrow’s World?