When Todd offered me the chance to post on the GNC blog my intention was to start without fanfare. I hope to maintain the feel that we all love about GNC while helping to increase the content on the site. If you are interested in finding out more about me my personal blog is at http://businessgeek.org. My posts there generally involve the business and economic facets of technology, but I will occasionally cross link to posts there I think might be of interest to the GNC audience.
I have been reading some commentary on the recent law suit raised by CCIA alleging that some copyright holders are overstating their actual rights in their copyright notices. While I am undecided on the merits of this case, it reminded me of how much copyright notices on DVDs really annoy me. I hate getting a lecture for doing the right thing, I wouldn’t see the notice if I didn’t buy the DVD! In reality these notices make little sense unless pirates actually buy DVDs. This just reinforces the fact that copyright holders are making a mistake in fighting their own customers.