Tag Archives: magicjack

GNC-2009-09-08 #509 Is your WordPress Install Hacked?

How long has it been since you upgraded your wordpress install. If you have been meaning to it may be to late as you may already be hacked. Full details on the show! I am very excited about Cloud RSS my prediction is that it will be the next BIG thing in the world of syndicated media. Send your comments to the Voice Mail Hotline below, lots of hot topics. Also a huge welcome to all of the new listeners show growth over past six weeks has been off the chart! This show will explode to life on your mobile media device hold on tight!

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MagicJack blocking telephone Numbers?
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MagicJack: Helping our family talk for cheap!

About 16 months ago I was visiting family and the TV was left on an infomercial for some reason.  An infomercial about free the internet telephone MagicJack was airing.  They would walk into a business and give them a USB MagicJack for free and ask them to try it. Of course all of the reviews were great.  I turned the channel.  Just another commercial.

And then my sister who works abroad in India called me.  She told me that she was calling from India on a MagicJack with a US phone number.  For free.  We had done everything in talking with her in India.  Skype, calling cards, you name it.  Skype was shaky due to low magicjackbandwidth.  Normal phone lines often had a delay of two seconds.  That led to some humorous attempts at communication.  Our normal fallback was Yahoo messenger.  And then this MagicJack.  The call was crisper than the phone but with only a millisecond of delay.  The land-line phone would drop the call one out of every 4 or 5.  MagicJack has dropped maybe twice in thirty calls.  And the price?  $47 for the USB device and one year of long distance.  Wow.  Currently you can upgrade to 5 years for $60.  So I signed up for the free trial.  I am getting ready to work abroad myself so having a US number anywhere in the world would be great, and the ability for friends and business clients to call a US number would be invaluable.


  1. Sleek packaging with simple plug-n-play install.  I did have to unplug and re-plug it in one time before it installed properly.  The initial registration and number selection was very easy.
  2. Initial calls from the US to the US were very clear and the people could not tell I was on a web phone. One of the ten calls seemed to have a slight delay and scratch to it.  I should note that I was using a slow DSL connection of less than 756kb down and 512kb up.
  3. Call forwarding works great (Spoiler/Con: Must login to web interface to set the forwarding number. These options would be better placed in the desktop client).
  4. Option to purchase international calling credits. Would allow you to forward to a foreign number cell phone.
  5. Allows me to use any phone. I currently have a $15 cordless phone plugged in and it works great.  Simply plugged the standard phone cord into the usb jack and into the phone.  That simple.  Can use either the phone or computer interface to make the call.
  6. Two voicemail options. Normal voicemail that picks up if the computer is unplugged or you do not answer (no ability to set the number of rings before pickup).  The second voicemail and message option picks up if you are on another call.
  7. Email voicemail works well. Today I received two emails with an attached .wav file.  They stated the phone number who left the message, and how long the message was.  Worked flawlessly.


  1. Computer must be on for the phone to ring.
  2. Phone interface on the computer has ads and could use an interface lift.
  3. Contacts feature on the phone does not import from Outlook or Address Book that I can see.
  4. Very limited website interface.  Poorly documented support section.
  5. Poor reviews of their customer service seem to be plentiful.
  6. Read complaints of dropped calls and or calls that do not ring through. Not enough people know of my number to have tested this.


For me this appears to be a viable and very cheap option.  I have some reservation about the longevity and future development of the product.  Hopefully it moves beyond a shopping network and pitchman item.  For now it is going to keep me within my cell phone calling plan and help me transition to global traveling.  And I am so excited about the possibilities once Google Voice is out for public use!  I missed getting in on that by one day when Grand Central was purchased by Google.  Until then I am going to be a MagicJack user.

MagicJack No More Monthly Phone Bill Interview at CES

One of the coolest products I found that is perfect for the traveling military person, someone on the go or even for someone looking to get rid of their monthly phone bill was being demonstrated by a company called MagicJack.

I was able to get a MagicJack and plug it into my USB port on my Computer and I was making free phone calls in about 5 minutes. The software is loaded on the device and it installs virtually automatically. I was able to pick out a area code exchange of my choice and was dialing out and having people dial in. Sound quality was very good.

Whats cool about the MagicJack is that plugs into your PC USB port then you plug a regular phone into it and your good to go. Pick up the phone and you have a dial tone. Very inexpensive product.

To get more information about the MagicJack and possible special viewer offers please visit www.rawvoiceoffers.com and enter the keyword “MAGIC” or visit the vendors website at www.magicjack.com

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