Tag Archives: Fair Use

GNC-2009-09-01 #507 Proud Dad Shares!

Big weekend for my son details in my show! Bad weekend for Hilton Hawaiian Village plus we have a time capsule winner of a $50.00 gift certificate. I spend some time of the Google and Amazon digital book debate going on, looking for Ohana weigh in. We had a great round table this weekend show will be posted shortly at TechPodcasts.com as well.

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Listener Links:
Senate Bill 773
Link 2 Senate Bill 773
One Families Fight against AT&T
Wachovia limiting browsers on website.
Single Molecule Image
Dual Screen Laptop
Lightning Strike at Shuttle Launch Pad

Show Links:
Los Angeles Fires!
Book Publishers at War.
Cafe Wifi Users Spend Money?
Google Wifi Lessons Learned.
More Twitter Tools
See who is no longer following you on Facebook.
More predictions on what Apple will do with iPhone Carriers!
Wikipedia color code coming?
Old Version of IIS Major Hole!
300 Photoshop Resources!
Microsoft says Apple will control TV Industry?
Shuttle Arrives at ISS!
5 Million dollar bail for hacker not lowered?
Fringe stars to twitter re-run?
Death Match Leopard versus Windows 7
NFL may have no one watching due to Blackout!
Digiprotect appears to be trapping P2P users!
Recording Officials call Legislatures disgusting for supporting Fair Use!
A&E Fighting for Fair Use of Music!
Can Government jobs be cool?
Update your IE Browser feed a hungry American!
EC2 Monitor Instances Management Console.
Is College worth it in down economy?
Job Letter Dissected.
Netbook Sales Double!
Breathalyzer built into a Toyota!
OLED as cheap as printing newspaper!
Camtasia for Mac.
Telescopes in Antarctica!
Leopard Compatibility Program List!
Roz Savage headed to Tarawa!
Roz Savage on CNN!

GNC-2009-05-26 #480 Major Contest Announcement Tonight!

Back in Hawaii great to be home. I have two major contest announcements in tonight’s show listen to win. Looking for feedback on a variety of articles tonight weigh in by calling the voice mail hotline or dropping me an email. Also making slight change to introduction we will see how that pans out.

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Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Car Powered by Wood!
Twitter TV Competition
RedBull Test Positive for trace amounts of Cocaine
Air Powered Cars in our Future?
Honolulu 100% Internet Vote First in Nation!
Hadoop Sorts Petabyte in Record Time!
25 Logos with Hidden Messages
Customer Hall of Shame (Sprint)
Liquid Cooled Laptop Lap Pad
Broadcast Season down 16%
Hawaii Driver Ranking no Surprise here!
New Cherie Cast is out!

Show Topic Notes:
Who will pay for Shirt Sponsorship of GNC?
AT&T 2in1 Mobile Cards buyer beware!
iPhone Art
iPhone Movie and TV shows downloads?
12vdc Car Power Device you have to have!
What will Apple announce at WWDC 09?
Hubble in all her Glory!
Hey dad I just bought a Crane!
Rotating Space Elevator is a Pipe Dream!
SanDisk crying Wolf over Moore’s Law
The New Circuit City Site!
Video Advertising is not Rocket Science?
Microsoft spending big bucks to educate you on Search Options.
MPAA dictating Fair Use which is not very Fair.
GPS Constellation not at Risk!
Shuttle safe on deck after landing in California.
Pirate Bay cannot find impartial Judge?
$170.00 ACDSee for Mac, wow what a price!
RedBull and the Cocaine Detection in Germany.
Mars Robots destroying Life on Mars?
Google Page Rank Dissected.
Verizon not good corporate citizen in rescue of missing person!

GNC-2009-05-18 #478 TWC Call at End of Show

Official show ends 10 minutes before end of Audio file. Some bonus material after the end of the show. Lot’s to share tonight had a great weekend, hooked up with Trucker Tom we hit Fry’s and Guitar Center aka Geek Heaven. Lots of tech news tonight and congrats of course to the Hubble Heroes for their great work on Hubble!

Show Sponsors keep me fed so Please Support the Show Sponsors!
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Follow @geeknews on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
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FriendFeed GNC Room!!
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Comcast Increases Lobbying Budget
Windows 7 Beta System Capabilities Check
Ann Arbor News R.I.P.
Soldiers being prepared for Telepathy???
Airman Notices Fuel Leak on Commercial Aircraft.

Show Topic Notes:
Hubble Heroes
Twitter and Facebook competing with Google?
AT&T Reduced iPhone Data Plans!
WiFi for your Camera
Massage chair for the brave!
Machines versus Man?
Plug guide for worldwide travelers.
FIOS from a Reseller at reduced prices!
Walmart replacing Compusa and Circuit City?
NASA tools used on Hubble
Tech IPO are back for profitable companies.
How much is your site worth if you want to sell.
Sarbanes Oaxley on chopping block?
Amazon EC2 adds automatic expansion.
Craigslist ask for Apology from S.C. Attorney General.
Seek and you shall find Twitter Users!
PowerPress plug thanks for the Mention.
Awesome Hubble Mission Pictures from Boston.com
P2P Filesharing is Fair Use?
1220 Pound Meteorite found in farmers field.
Is Gas headed to $5.00?
Windows 7 may be more expensive will you still buy it?
Lawyer in RIAA battle throws in towel after 130K in expenses.
Mac sails dip in April again!
Wolfram Alpha let me know what you find.
Toshiba sues over DVD Manufacturing.
Atlantis crew wraps up repair mission.
New Airport Rules require ID and Ticket Match.
Office 2010 already on BitTorrent sites.
Ball and Chain Study Ball :)
Relief to Drupal users in New Book.
Google tells all including your college work.
Movie Studios want ISP to admit wrong doing.

Want to censor something then be quiet.

I was reading a story about a bit torrent site concerning some data that some people did not want made public. I won’t mention the site since it would defeat the purpose of this post because I don’t want the data seen either. I see things like this all the time and not just online. some group decides that a website has content that may not be suitable for, well, anyone. So they make a big deal and get lots of publicity. Guess what happens then? The website blows up since the word is out. By complaining about content these groups draw attention to the very thing they don’t want anyone else to see. Some obscure site that 500 people may stumble across turns viral and 100,000 people see it. The same thing happens with CD’s (these things are what music used to be played on). Some group decides that society cannot survive the release of a violent or sex laden music CD so they boycott Walmart and make a bunch of noise. All this does is create interest in the very thing they wish to oppose. When I was in school I remember a couple of rap albums that got all kinds of criticism for their content. Ice Tea & The 2 Live Crew was constantly in the news. I actually bought the Ice Tea cassette (square thing with rolled up film like tape that played music). I probably never would have known who Ice Tea was if not for the helpful protesters. So if you want something to be silenced then keep your own mouth closed.

I believe in the First Amendment whole heartedly. I know that in order for my speech to be free I have to give that right to others. Popular speech does not need protecting. Unpopular speech does. I can choose to not listen to things I don’t like or stay away from people who say things that I find awful.

GNC-2007-11-06 #315

One thing for sure based on your email your all a bunch of geeks. I guess thats why you listen to the show. I talk a little about Ohana tonight you will not want to miss.

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Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Apple No Cash OK
Franks Network
Some Good Podsafe Music full Orchestra
Zune On Sale
iPhone 1.1.2
Scott’s Computers
More RIAA Madness
Victoria’s Podcast
Twit on Leopard
Darpa Challenge
Open Letter to Apple
Lana’s Podcast

Show Notes:
Leopard Massive Data Loss Bug
Twenty Things you Don’t know about Space Travel
Candian BitTorrent Blocking
Fedora 8
DVD Licensing change will Kill a Company
Work IT Security really Sucks
RFID coming to your Drivers License
Zune guy has lost his mind
HP MediaSmart Server
Airbox Lan in your Car!
Photo Recognition on Vending Machines
Cool Mini Camcorder
Mini Vacuum Powered by USB
Quicktime 7 Bugg
Google GPhone is Vaporware
Technorati data RIP at 6 Months
ZiLok want to rent something?
ICQ still King some places
Shuttle on way Home
Leopard application casualties
Macrovision Zero Day Bug
Mitt Romney fights Fox for Fair Use Rights

GNC-2007-09-14 #302

Another Monster show some great listener comments at the end of the show that you will not want to miss. Still fighting a horrible cough wife thinks it’s time to see the doctor.

Sponsor: Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Search for Fosset
iPhone Ringtones
Nuclear Explosion at 1 Millisecond

Show Notes:
Cable must Support Analog TV till 2012
Office Ultimate for Students $60.00
Help those Serving our Country
Do not run this Stop Sign
Verizon Sues FCC over 700mhz Auction
30 Million Reward to get to the Moon
Windows Stealth Updates
RIAA Abusing Courts
Fair Use worth Fighting For
Mystery 9-11 Plane
Never Forget
Photonic Laser for Mars Propulsion
RIAA Complaint Dismissed
Viacomm Looses one Take down on YouTube
Powerful Light Scope
iPod Touch on the Streets
Pool Game and Cup Holder :)
Google pays 1.3 Million Parks Jet at Moffett
SEO Tutorial for WordPress
Google Special Announce Next Week
Google calls Verizon to Task
Having a Smartcard Legal
Metered Broadband slows Growth
Japan Lunar Princess heads for Moon

Note Looking for some help at PNME listen to show for details

GNC-2007-08-31 #298 Abridged Show Notes

I talk about Hawaii Road Runner Turbo RR plus some upcoming thoughts for show 300 and some other milestones I will hit on that show.

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Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
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Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links
For the Ladies Pattern Master Boutique
Good Diet Tips
Nisei Ondo Parade
IE7 Pro
Elegant Universe
Beginner Soldering Tips

Show Notes:
OS X Leopard vs Vista
Getting off the Grid not Always the Best
Popup Ads on Hyperlink driving you nuts?
Zune 2
What’s hot on Wikipedia
High Production HD Equipment Needs
Be Safe Surfing at Starbucks
AutoPatcher Service smashed by Microsoft
Want to buy some data center gear with me?
Apple Good Cop – AT&T Bad Cop
HP Delays MediaSmart Home Server!
Cell Carrier Sprint-Nextel Fined
IBM NANO Technology Media Storage
Fair Use Group Formed Supported by Microsoft, Google
What’s Killing your companies Bandwidth?
Too Many Small Parts
Windows Genuine Advantage Concerns
7 Great Blogging Tips
Facebook Friend Wheel
DEMO becomes Free
RIAA accused of being a Illegal Cartel
MPAA in confirmed dirty pool
The Time is!!