Tag Archives: dropbox

GNC #698 Need some More Cores!

Meetup in Albuquerque is Wednesday night details out tonight to those who have agreed to meetup.. Really need more cores on the road, time for a laptop update buy man really hate buying another PC you all know the drill. Show 700 Contest Details!

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Skip the Phone Support Queue.
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Storing Bread I win!

GNC #663 Back in the Saddle

Yes I am back… Back in the Saddle with my first change to the show format. Quantity does not always equal quality one of the first change I am implementing on the show is more quality versus quantity. I have been jamming more and more into the show. That change starts in today’s show where I refuse to rush, even though I have 10 articles left at the end of the show. From here on out you will get an even spread of content throughout the program and no more rush to jam in the last topics at the end. This will result in the show intro segment being tightened up as well in future shows. We also have a prize winner tonight as well.

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Show Notes:
Where your Taxes Go.
Spaceship Airplane Style?
Playbook needs Crutches?
Judge gets down on WiFi Sniffing.
Righthaven getting Spanked.
Will BamBoom get BamBoom in the Kisser?
Cook that Meat!
NASA hands out 4 Big Checks.
Tagging Videos for Google?
Apple AirPlay Key Hacked.
Never Satisfied.
Poker Sites Seized next Taxes Due by Players?
Michigan State Police extracting Cell Data!
Japanese Earthquake heard 900 miles away!
Google Video RIP Shortly.
P2P Streaming by Akamai.
YouTube Live for IOS
iPad Erase Board.
Get a Camera from Paris!
Tweetdeck in Play?
Dropbox Exploding!
Demand Media gets Spanked again.
Apple App Ranking being Tweaked.
National ID coming your way soon.
Zillow to do IPO!
Paul Allen Part 1.
Paul Allen Part 2
The Power of Words.

How to Embedding Task List on Mac Desktop

I was looking for a way to create a todo list that I could add to quickly and see on my Mac desktop. I have manage to cobble together a method that is working for me . It is a work in progress but I thought other people might find it interesting. It does require the following items.

Todo.tx, Dropbox and Geektools are all free. Textexpander is $34.95 and is well worth the price. For the purpose of this article I am going to assume you already have Dropbox and Textexpander installed and set up. Todo.txt is an open source application an is available through Github . Todo.tx lead developer is Gina Trapani . Once you download it there are a couple of things you will need to do. First you need to create a Todo directory (folder) and place it in your Dropbox folder. Then open the todo.cfg and edit lines #4 and #5 replace /Users/gina/Documents/todo with the path where you have just placed the Todo folder. Then you need to make the todo.sh file executable. You do this in the terminal by entering chmod +x todo.sh. Finally move your the todo.cfg file to your home directory, you can also do this in the terminal by the command mv todo.cfg ~/. The last thing you need to download for the task list to be visible on your desktop is Geektool. After you download and install it will be in your System Preference Pane under Other. Click on it to open it up you will see three icons, Files, Images and Script. For this purpose we will be using the File icon. Click on the File icon and drag it to your desktop and place it where you want your task list to appear. In the Properties heads up display you need to edit the command option, after the word cat <>enter the full path to the todo.txt file. You can also change how the text will appear on your desk top and how often it will refresh. I also recommend checking the display status box if the dot turns green then you’ve done it correctly, if its red check to make sure you entered the path to the todo.txt file correctly. After you make sure its working go ahead and uncheck that box. Now go ahead and close System Preference. Next you need to add the following Apple Script as a snippet to Text Expander

tell application “Finder”

activate application "Terminal"

delay 30
quit application "Terminal"

end tell

The number after delay indicates how long the Terminal will stay open, you can adjust that number to your liking. Also make sure the Content indicator says AppleScript if you leave it PlainText this will not work. Then give the script an abbreviation . Finally you need to create a plain text snippet in Textexpander that reads ./todo.sh %fill:name% . To get this just enter ./todo.sh then from the pull down menu at the bottom click on Fill- in. Enter an abbreviation for that snippet. Everything is now set up. To test it type the abbreviation you gave to the AppleScript snippet (the terminal should open up), then type the ./todo snippet abbreviation you should see this .todo.sh and then a blank. If you want to add to your task list enter add and then the task. After a minute or so that task will appear on your desk top. The Terminal will close out after the time you set for delay in the Apple Script. Once you completed a task repeat the above process but instead of typing add in the blank type do and the task number that’s completed. There are a whole list of commands you can type in, you can find them by typing -h or help in the blank. Developers have also create various add-ons to ToDo.txt which you can add. You can find them at the ToDo Add on Directory, along with the instruction on how to install them. Add ons will allow you to create projects, hide future events, just to name a few things. The following video shows what the process looks like on your desktop.


If you just want to easily create a task list and don’t need it on your desktop then Geektool is unnecessary , I just like having my task right in front of me. Whether you install Geektool or not you will find your task list in your Todo folder in Dropbox. Which means you can view and edit the task list where ever you have Dropbox installed. Gina Trapani has created a ToDo.txt app specifically for Android, information about it can be found at the Smarterware Web site. I hope this post helps somebody and if you know a way to hide an application instead of quitting it in AppleScript let me know.

Tech Serendipity

Sometimes things no one ever thought of simply seem to come together. Services and devices end up being used to do things the individual inventors and designers couldn’t have imagined.

For some time now, I’ve been thinking about attaching one of the new Mac Minis to one of my TV’s and utilizing it as a home theater PC as well as an over-the-air DVR to record high definition digital broadcasts from the local TV stations. A late Sunday afternoon trip to my local Best Buy and a Mac Mini was mine.

I sat the Mac Mini up with Eye TV and a USB HD tuner attached to my outdoor antenna. Depending on how I have the antenna rotated, I can receive upwards of 17 or more HD and digital broadcast channels. Of course, keep in mind that the Mini is on my home network, so I’ve got complete remote access in a number of different ways.

The Eye TV 3.4.1 software has easy iPhone/iPod/iPad/Apple TV file conversion, so I’m easily able to convert the files to the format of my choice.

A thought popped into my head. What if I converted the files to the iPhone format and put them into my Dropbox? I also have the Dropbox app for Android installed on my Sprint HTC Evo phone. Since I have an 8 gigabyte SD card installed with the possibility of going all the way up to a 32 gigabyte card if I wish, could I synch the exported iPhone files from my Dropbox on the computer to Dropbox on my phone?

To my surprise, I don’t even have to synch the exported iPhone videos to my phone – once they are synched to the Dropbox server, all I have to do is open the file from Dropbox on my phone and the file immediately starts streaming. If I’ve got a decent 3G Sprint cell signal, the video plays perfectly without a glitch.

So, I’m taking multiple different technologies, and using them in a way no single inventor or designer ever envisioned. I can record local TV programming from home, export it as an iPhone format file into my Dropbox folder, and stream the files to my phone. Pretty phenomenal stuff if you ask me.

For sure, there are other ways to accomplish the same end result, particularly if one has adequate bandwidth. For situations where bandwidth is limited and more variable, this solution works surprisingly well.

Dropbox — File Sharing

dropbox-logo A nice item to have in your geek toolbox is a way to share files on the Internet. Sending large photos or videos through email is simply not possible so you need another way. There are a number of sites that allow you to do this, but there is one that I’ve been using that has some unique features. It’s Dropbox.

Dropbox is a file sharing site that works on the Mac, PC, Linux, and even through your browser. You go to GetDropbox.com and sign up for a free 2 GB account. You download and install the program on your computer and it creates a Dropbox folder where you simply copy the files you want to share. Anything placed into the folder is sent to the “cloud” and can be accessed by you on other computers or after logging on to the GetDropbox.com website. You can also place files in the Public subfolder and send the unique URL through email or place it on your blog to share photos, videos, and documents. There’s even a mention of using the Public folder in Dropbox to host a small website.

If someone you know has a Dropbox account, you can send them a link to a folder you want to share on your computer. When they accept the shared folder, it appears in their Dropbox folder. Any items placed into the shared folder appears in the other’s shared folder. It’s a great way to share project files.

I’ve been using Dropbox to make some documents and photos available so I can access them later and as a way to move them between my Mac and PC computers. Since it keeps older copies of files you place  in your Dropbox folder, it’s a great way to keep backups of your important data and you can even access files deleted from your Dropbox folder.

One word of caution about storing anything sensitive in your DropBox folder.  In theory only you have access to the files, but this is the Internet, so it’s possible that others could gain access. I would encrypt any file containing sensitive data before placing it in the Dropbox folder.

If Dropbox is free, how are they making money? Well, the site is still very new but for the moment they are offering two additional storage accounts for those who find the service useful but need more storage. They offer a 50 GB account for $9.99 USD a month, and 100 GB for $19.99 USD a month.

You can sign up for DropBox by going here. Using this link will give you 2 GB of free storage plus an extra 256 MB as a bonus (you won’t get the 256 MB bonus if you go directly to the GetDropbox.com site). As a disclaimer I must mention that if you use my link for the bonus data, I get credit in the form of extra storage in my account.

There are a number of sites offering free cloud storage and there is nothing stopping you from signing up for a few. You never know when they may come in handy.

73’s, Tom