XOEye Brings Wearable Solutions To Industry At CES

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Training and assisting employees tends to take up a significant amount of a company’s time and resources, especially in industries such as engineering and manufacturing. But thanks to the innovations that XOEye is bringing to the table, the workplace is about to become much more efficient.

Jamie and Nick interviewed John Calahan from XOEye, a software company that’s working to bring augmented reality solutions to the workplace. XOEye works with wearable and other smart technology companies to create custom solutions to allow employers to train, manage, and support their employees.

For example, if a new employee at a manufacturing plant is having trouble mastering a certain technique, they could connect with a more experienced engineer via smart glasses equipped with XOEye technology to walk them through the process. The flexibility and power of XOEye’s innovations are creating endless possibilities for growth and improvement across the industrial space.

To learn more about XOEye, visit their website.

Interview by Jamie Davis of Health Tech Weekly and Nick DiMeo of F5 Live.

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