Netscape still dead in most peoples eyes

Saw a post by Jason Calacanis and I will be honest, I cannot agree with his assertion that Netscape is the mainstream version of Digg. With so many sites out there fighting for attention, there is nothing that I have seen at Netscape that has compelled to revisit the site more than a few times.

Maybe I am missing something but I would like someone to give me just 1 or 2 reasons to visit Netscape on a daily basis, that would keep my attention. If a site cannot keep my attention they go into my own personal dead pool of sites I visit, along with the RSS feeds that I keep in my primary read list.

The same goes for a couple of podcasting sites I used to visit, they are now in the dead pool because they have nothing new to offer on the front of their web pages. If you spend a lot of time on a specific site I would love to hear what draws you in and share the resource because believe me were all looking for sites that have compelling information. Jason Calacanis

One thought on “Netscape still dead in most peoples eyes

  1. I saw this post myself and went over to that site to check it out. I thought the interface looked nice, but it didn’t seem to have that many people on board. In fact, that’s why I dismissed it – not enough user activity. I got the impression that Jason was philosophizing about this because he used to work there as the GM and it is natural that he might wax nostalgic now and then, and pine for the good parts of his job as the Netscape GM. At least that’s what I ended up taking away from his post.

    Good blog – btw – thanks for writing your thoughts.

    -Michael (Seattle, WA)

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