Tag Archives: Windows 7

Moneual Silver Care Robot Air Purifier and Emergency Assistant

Targeted at independent living for older people, Moneual‘s Silver Care Robot is an air purifier that moves around the home to clean the air and improve the air quality, much like a Roomba does for dirt. But the robot also monitors the vital signs of an owner who is wearing wristwatch-type monitor. In the event of emergency, the robot can summon assistance via a wireless internet connection.

Built on Microsoft’s Windows 7 with a touch screen, the user can access simple functions such as playing music or making a voip call.

Available later in 2011 for over $8000.

Interview by Carissa O’Brien for Geek News Central.

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Toshiba 11″ Windows 7 Tablet

Todd casts his eye over Toshiba‘s upcoming Windows 7 tablet, with a larger than usual screen at 11.6″, Atom processor and dual cameras. Being very early to the booth, there was no one readily available to talk to, but as you can see from the video, the Toshiba tablet appears to be a prototype. The jury’s still out on the oversize screen on this one, but there were tablet designs for every possible configuration and use.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central

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Samsung Galaxy 7 Windows Tablet

Todd covers Samsung‘s Galaxy 7 convertible tablet running Windows 7. The Galaxy 7 has a slide-out and hinged keyboard, converting it from a tablet to a netbook in seconds – you have to see it in action so check the video.

The screen is capable of 16 point multi-touch (how many fingers do these guys have?) weighs in at 1kg (2.2 lb). Available sometime in 2011 and price not disclosed.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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GNC-2010-08-09 #600 @ $2.00 we could do 3 Million

Your going to love what I have lined up for you here on Show 600 putting it together was as fun as the very first one. I spend 30 minutes looking back. Plus I jam a full load of a tech at you in the remaining time. Some remarkable stats to share. New Sponsor in the show today, business owners go fill out the contact form and watch the video. Let me know what you think of their services.

Very Special GoDaddy Promo Code Tonight for new customers only $1.99 .com use the code “GEEK199” Short time offer folks!

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Sponsor: Infusionsoft, the leader in marketing automation software for small businesses.

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The Geek’s Show Links:
It’s Finally Plugged!
Verizon Road Map!
Amazon Kindle DX Review.
Verizon / Google Net Neutrality Conspiracy.
Google / Verizon Press Conference!
Google / Verizon Analysis.
.AVI in the iPad.
12 Core on Mac Pro.
Bill Gates on Net Education.
Great Way to Quit your Job.
Did you watch your Time?
Skype 100 Million IPO.
Apple Roadmap?
Microcell not working with iPhone 4.
Parking Meters with Credit Card slots.
Android and Netflix.
Windows 7 battles Mac Still.
Car Tracking and Warrants!
Watch the Video, Watch Gates!
Verizon and iPhone.
Tire Pressure Monitoring!
Light Sleepers versus Rock.
Does your Hybrid pay you back.
Time to Leave the Planet!
Discovery Legal versus PR.
Congress on bill naming!
Is BMI running a racket?
BMI NYT Article!
Apple tries to block Jailbreakme.com
ISS Spacewalk.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2010-07-23 #595 It’s a Hoax Mom!

Sorry Mom you got sucked in by a long running hoax. Special show recording times for next two shows will get started about 6pm EST or 3pm PST hope you will join me for a early live recording. A lot of positive things happening at RawVoice more when I can but for now I have to sit on it.. Thanks to all the long time listeners and all the new viewers this grand experiment continues to grow beyond belief!

These companies keep the lights on here at GNC your support is appreciated!
Sponsor: Save money at GoDaddy using my Promo Codes significant Cash Savings.
Sponsor: Visit gotomeeting.com, click the try it free button & use promo code: Podcast.

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Wanna sell your old Electronics?
HP Slate going Forward.
MP3tunes digital music locker comes to Roku box
Wicked Laser has one Wicked Laser.

The Geek’s Show Links:
Safari Steals your Data!
Qualcom wants to shed MediaFlo.
Wanna be a PI this is the gear you need.
Industrial Espionage is still alive and well.
The WordPress GPL battle.
Microsoft Security Disclosure Policy Update.
Driverless Vehicle Italy to China or Bust.
Facebook coverup?
House sets NASA Agenda not Administration!
3D Panasonic Consumer Cameras?
Microsoft still King 4.5 Billion in Profits!
iPhone 4 Accessory of the Year!
Surprise Really? Droid users sucking down Bandwidth!
Stitcher plays Podcast in Background on iPhone.
More AT&T Frustration.
Popbox does not initially Pop.
Need Power hook up to Power Line.
Darth Vader needs some cash for Death Star.
Solar that works at night.
Flipboard is great but is it legal?
Limited data helps AT&T bottom Line!
Website Navigation.
YouTube Life in a Day Project!
West happier than the East?
More attacks on Microsoft products.
Students $29.00 Windows 7!
Cell Phone for a Porche via Craigslist.
Netflix Streaming Exploding!
No More IP addresses.
60 day Chrome release cycle.
Beautiful keyboard at a big price!
Mammoth Sun 300x ours!
vBulletin Forum Operators Beware.
BP Picture Doctoring again?
1 in 13 in world on Facebook.
Pharmacy Robot.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2010-07-09 #591 Hollywood’s Funny Accounting

Quick week for many of you, thanks to everyone that called in to the hotline to leave comments. Wait till you see how Hollywood does their accounting no wonder they can claim they are loosing money. Did you notice the mini format change? First big change in over 500 shows not a really big deal but lets see your reactions!

These companies keep the lights on here at GNC your support is appreciated.
Sponsor: Save money at GoDaddy using my Promo Codes significant Cash Savings.
Sponsor: You can save up to 75% or more on term life insurance with Matrix Direct.
Sponsor: Hold your meetings online for just $49 a month Try GoToMeeting free.

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Insider / Ohana Links:
Gmail acting Funny?
Woot gives AP taste of own medicine.

The Geek’s Show Links:
26 Hour Solar Flight!
iOS 4 and the API Calls.
Fring 3g Video Chat
Telescopic Eye approved.
Blue Lounge Cable Organizer.
50 Mbps in the Air!
Digital Emily.
The Last Shuttle Tank.
Apple TV .99 cent streaming?
Ford Sync Do not Disturb!
iPhone 4 Fire!
Twitter can get you Fired!
Mobile YouTube.
Top 10 iPad Apps for Summer.
Gmail Rich Text Signatures.
iAds $150.00 CPM!
Big Brother is here to help.
Pirate Bay user accounts exposed.
Asteroid Dust?
Shuttle Layoffs.
NVIDIA playing hardball with Intel?
Windows 7 and 64bit Computing.
Get you $16.00 Comcast Settlement Payment.
3 Patches on Tuesday.
FCC taken to task by Senators!
City Supported Internet map.
Time Warner wins small lawsuit battle.
Yes Sir may I have another (RIAA).
Firefox 4 Look and Feel.
Cracking the Code.
Texting Bill is not your only worry!
Don’t describe a Patent or risk Lawsuit.
Best Buy backs down on Firing YouTube Video creator.
Hollywood and their funny math.
Can Homeland Security take your domain name?

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

Onkyo Receivers Adding Windows 7 Support

Onkyo, one of the world’s leaders in A/V receivers, made a big announcement on June 29, 2010.  Their new receivers, the TX-NR3008 and TX-NR5008, are now, not only DLNA certified, but also Compatible with Windows 7.  This means they support the Windows Play To feature.

So, what does all of this mean?  In Microsoft’s own words this is what it means:

Play To allows you to seamlessly play music, video, and photos through your home network to any network media device that carries the Compatible with Windows 7 logo.

If you haven’t used Play To, it’s pretty simple.  From any PC on your network you can open Windows Media Player or Windows Explorer, right-click an audio track, and choose “Play To”.  If you don’t see the Play To option then you can download the plugin HERE.  A Play To icon also appears above the Now Playing list in Windows Media Player.  This does require Windows 7.

My guess is that we will be seeing many of these Windows 7 and networking features added to home theater devices in the near future.