Tag Archives: Veoh

GNC-2010-02-12 #551 New Studio Layout

Fellows, our wives always know best we are often to stubborn to realize it. The new Studio layout is pretty good needs some tweaks but I think it will make for a better video experience over the long term. Lots of tech, lots of ancillary discussions about tonights show. While I was down and out sick one day this week a lot was accomplished and I have plenty to share in the tech world.

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Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Video Podcast Infinite Loop!
Global Warming = Bad Weather?
America’s Cup Technology!
Top 10 Space Spinoff’s
How to Telework from home with no Power?

Show Links:
Some Navy Support in Haiti
Apple Fixes MacPro Audio Issues.
Are you Buzzed about Buzz?
Windows Activation Technology on Steroids?
Do we want our Computers to Forget?
Only 8% would cancel cable for Internet Video!
Windows BSOD from Patch Tuesday!
Yahoo Slides Down and Bing heads up in Search!
More Adobe Patches on the way!
Lithium Batteries may not Kill you!
Why does Apple not do Business with Business?
President Obama Admin wants to track your phone without warrant?
Nasa Solar Probe Launched!
Will drill Cyber Attack bring out real Hackers!
Veoh RIP
$9.99 is not a good price for a Book?
Gaming Sales EXPLODE when Discounted!
Mud Volcano Man Made Craziness!
Hey Google over here for 1Gbps!
Martian Dune Formation still a mystery in my Opinion!
Shopper + Walmart + Bat + TV = Jail
Progress makes Approach to ISS on Video!
Do you go down Memory Lane on the Net?
YouTube Video Speed Measuring!
Google KILLS Music sites claims DMCA?
Endeavor docs at ISS.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2009-09-14 #511 In the City of Angels

I really do hate traveling as I am so spoiled when I am back in the studio in Hawaii. This show I talk a bit about Twitter and trust, do you trust the people you follow? Look forward to the meetup tomorrow night with show fans. Early show again on Thursday evening so join me for the live recording.

Ongoing support by these fine sponsors keep the lights on your support is appreciated!
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Follow @geeknews on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Personal Facebook Profile
Join the Geek News Central Podcast Facebook Page
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Where’s broadband in US.
Facebook Pawned.
Oldest computer to be rebooted.

Show Links:
Japanese RIAJ is reading RIAA playbook.
Discount on Apple TV.
Zune HD Discount!
AT&T MMS Roll Out Early?
Google forms own consumer advocacy org?
VEOH Wins against Universal!
Aircraft tracking by Satellite.
Cyber Criminals going after Small Companies!
Windows 7 and Cablecards.
NY Times serves up Malware.
Bing goes Visual!
T-Mobile to buy Sprint?
Master Gene Found!
Windows 7 Upgrade to take more than day?
Bank Robbery or Identity Theft?
New Cannon Camera rave reviews!
Get the dual monitor!
New iPod Touch Yawn?
802.11n finally a standard?
Ladder Safety device!
Kill you Phone remotely!
Is cell phone tracking going to be our demise?
Google Search Tips.
Google Fast Flip.
Fun shuttle image!
Are you cleaning your showerheads?
Linux Admins tend your servers.
Why is NASA seeding clouds?
AT&T and Gaming shocking statement.

GNC-2007-06-15 #276

Certain Phone company takes the brunt of the Soap box tonight. Strap in this is a wild ride on this show and congrats to our flag winner and listen tonight to win!

Sponsor: Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Shuttle Images
CNN Shuttle Info
Mars Oceans
Lost Pants Anyone!
Cool Link
SnapZ Pro
Podcast Rigs Great Resource

Show Notes:
ISS – Shuttle
PayPal Bank
8-Step Gadget Cure
How to be a Star
Mahalo.com = Dmoz.org?
Yahoo Photo RIP
YouTube = Google Accounts
Congrats Veoh
AT&T Death Star
PopFly Update
Brilliant Engadget Analysis
Does EveryZing Honor New Media Creators Content?
Veoh Traffic Surge
uLinkX Video Search
Comscore Whatever!
Storage for Perpetuity
Justin.TV Rig
TorrentSpy has to Spy
Global Broadband
Spectrum Hearings
85 Killer Resources
Safari Update
Ultimate iTunes Media Center
eBay smacks Google in Wallet
Safari 1 Million Downloads
Awesome Physics Simulators
Energy Hogs Need to Read
Boston U RIAA Battle
Mother Board Manufacture Images
ClearType Tweaks and Info

GNC-2007-02-13 #242

Next stop the Windy City and a special podcast from Chicago with the RawVoice Crew and Mom. Great show tonight with lots of great links and tidbits

Sponsor: Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
10 Vista Myths
Meizu M8
Meizu M8 #2
Bootlegging Bootleggers Bootlegged
Are you a Minesweeper Adict?
NAB Podcasting Summit

Show Notes:
Do you care about RSS?
IDG to go Digital
OS X on Windows Machine Possible!
WiFi for Criminals
Walmart Sleeping with Microsoft

Google Radio Ads
Google Supplemental Index?
Using DOS in Vista
400 Million in Podcast Ads?
Nokia Video Podcatcher
YouTube Classic Shows
Google helps Pirates get Rich!
Nokia E90
Steve Jobs DRM Bait
$100 EMI DRM Challenge
Firefox Support Site Version 2.0
Get Traffic without Search Engines!
Azuerus calling home to Mama or the RIAA?
Cell Phones DRM PlayforSure
P2P Effect on Music Sales
Javascript Widgets, Plugins etc
Veoh Re-Launch
ISS temp loss of Power!
Saturn Moon Spray?
Beta Test Windows Home Server
Given MP3 by Mistake
Universal and no Fair Use!
BestBuy.com Website Escapades