Tag Archives: tech

GNC-2012-02-27 #745 Live in DC

Live from the Nations Capitol audio only show tonight, packed light so as to get a show on the street. I go old school hope you enjoy..

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Links to all the articles talked about in this Podcast are on the GNC Show Notes Page [Click Here]

IEEE Gives a Look Behind Today’s Tech

IEEE, the commonly used abbreviation for the Institute for Electronics and Electrical Engineers, dropped by the TPN booth last month at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas to chat a bit about what is going on with the organization right now.

IEEE.org looks at all aspects of today’s technology, but also helps to set standards for some of it.  You may have seen their logo on some products, but they have their hands on a lot more than you may realize, like 3D for instance.  They also offer a lot of conferences on a broad range of topics and a large digital library that is open to the public.  In addition, they also work with people to ensure the technical accuracy of papers and documentation before publication.

The video below  is a fascinating, but technical, look behind the scenes.  If you are interested by how this industry works, though, it’s worth checking out.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central for the TechPodcast Network.

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GNC-2012-02-23 #744 Listen and Win!

Unexpected Trip to Washington DC next week. I get back to Hawaii on Thursday, will make a decision on Monday show in next day or so. Listen today to get your name in the hat for the show 750 giveaway.

Support my Show Sponsor: Best Godaddy Promo Codes
$11.99 – For a New Domain Name cjcfs3geek
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Links to articles talked about in this Podcast are on the Show Notes Page [Click Here]

GNC-2012-02-13 #741 Back from Windy City

No show last Thursday as my stand in had a family emergency. Back in the saddle here, no travel planned for about the next month. Look forward to an extended time here in Hawaii.

Support my Show Sponsor: Best Godaddy Promo Codes
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$6.99 a month Economy Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1h
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Links to articles covered in this Podcast on the GNC Show Notes Page [Click Here]

GNC-2011-12-26 #732 GoDaddy CEO Interview

I share with you at the end of today’s show the interview I had on Friday with GoDaddy’s CEO after they reversed their SOPA stance. The info is a bit different than what is being portrayed on other site. Our CES coverage will be ramping up now and I hope that you will contribute to our support staff fund.. Your help is needed.

Support my Show Sponsor: Best Godaddy Promo Codes
$11.99 – For a New Domain Name cjcfs3geek
$6.99 a month Economy Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1h
$12.99 a month Managed WordPress Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1w
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Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Links to articles covered in this Podcast on the GNC Show Notes Page [Click Here]

Jack Ellis – Executive Producer
Mike Baine – Associate Producer

Support CES 2012 Support Staff $25, $50, $100, Your Choice

Diversity in Silicon Valley

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c2/San_Jose%2C_California%2C_USA.jpg/275px-San_Jose%2C_California%2C_USA.jpgDoes Silicon Valley have a diversity problem. That question is raging today on Twitter and Google Plus after the screening of the show Black in America 4 produced for CNN by Soledad O’Brien which will air in a couple of weeks. One of the participants  in the show was Michel Arrington, who said “I don’t know a single black entrepreneur”. He then went on to say he thought that Silicon Valley was a meritocracy and that the best rise to the top no matter their race, sex or creed. This is when the fireworks started. Many called him out on the idea that Silicon valley is colored blind and a pure meritocracy. It is true that the customer doesn’t care who is behind a piece of technology as long as it works, however the business side of Silicon Valley is a different story.

Silicon Valley is no different then the rest of society. The problem is not out-and-out racism, the problem is one of familiarity. As Hank Williams an African-American entrepreneur pointed out people tend to gravitate toward those who are like them. Investors and most mentors in Silicon Valley are white and male and they tend to naturally gravitate toward young, white male entrepreneurs. In other words the investors finds those who fit a pattern that they are looking for. It often happens without any thought or intention behind it. Often groups like NewMe Accelerator which focus on helping black tech entrepreneurs, have trouble even getting mentors or investors to take a look at them. Hank Williams said Techcrunch barely looked at NewMe Accelerator at the last tech meet up. That when they finally did  the Techcrunch report was mostly about the group itself and not about the individual tech companies that were working within it.

If this discussion highlights one thing it is that if you are white and male you need to tread lightly when the conversation about diversity comes up. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t talk about it, but expect a reaction especially if you make sweeping statements like Michael Arrington did.

24 Hour Podcast Tentative Schedule

The 24hr Podcast kicks off on Saturday December 18th an 11am EST. We have a great line up for you in 2010. This should prove to be an educational event for new media creators. We will have lots of entertainment and some special events during the 24hr show. Check out the full details below. The 24hr Podcast is a interactive event. We hope that you will choose to participate in the chat and by calling in to the TalkShoe line to add your commentary more details to follow.

Benefit to Raise Money “The Coalition to Salute Americas Heroes” (CSAH)” Please Send Donations via PayPal @ podcast@podcastconnect.com All monies raised will be transferred within 72 Hours of the completion of the 24hr Podcast. We will post the paypal payment notice on this site and the 24hrPodcast.com Site. A running total will be kept during the show as well.

We still have some slots available apply to appear on the show here!