Tag Archives: SXSW

Why I am not going to SXSW

First of all they need to rename the Interactive portion of SXSW to Waste of Time. What I expected from SXSW was a social experience where you met a lot of people, network and get a lot out of the conference tracks. The conference tracks last year where 50% pitch, 25% the person had no clue and 25% awesome. The evening events for the most part are so loud that if you want to talk to someone you have to yell, terrible food and bottom shelf liquor. Meeting new people is ok sp long as you self initiate a 100% of the time, 90% of the time people had their heads buried in their phones and laptops not a lot of interaction. Be prepared for a lot of looks of why are you invading my space.

If your going to cover CES as press, here is my suggestion, bring your DSLR that can record video and interview some of the upper echelon celebrities that go, do not focus on vendors or many of the unknown session speakers. You should be prepared to deal with attendees that are rude, and interrupt interviews just so they can say hello to someone they admire. The best press thing I attended was a SXSW sponsored 10 minute pitch session where 6 vendors pitched the press for 10 minutes each.

They had an exhibitor area at the show, which I was able to walk through it in about 30 minutes. From that walk through I think I stopped to talk to one company, who today is not even on the radar map. Everyone says it is the place to be, well everyone else can go, and I will read the self centered blog posts from the comfort of warm and sunny Honolulu.

My experience with SXSW last year was not worth the money spent. SXSW is very expensive from a attendee standpoint, and hotel accommodations are simply grossly too expensive as compared to standard Austin pricing. Does SXSW have some good points, sure, but overall my experience in attending the interactive portion sucked.

GNC-2010-12-23 #637 Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

I want to wish all of the Ohana a Merry Christmas and of course a safe and Happy Holidays. As a family we are dealing with several things that are really making us reflect, thankfully my daughter is here for the holidays and it has been entirely to long since she has spent any time with us. I hope as you spend time with your Ohana that you cherish each moment with them. I will have a regular show on Monday and a slightly abbreviated show next Thursday.

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Verizon and Net Neutrality.

Show Notes:
Norad Tracking Santa!
Dell Streak.
Paradigm shifting to Google?
Windows Expander.
20 Programs for Windows.
Net Neutrality #1
Net Neutrality #2
Net Neutrality #3
Chevy Explains 2 MPG Charts.
Google buys a Whole Block in NYC.
Vudu 2.0
BBC iPlayer.
Comcast + NBCU – Good to Go?
Netflix Versus Apple in HTML5 Streaming.
500 – 1k Christmas Presents.
Revision 3 signs another show.
Your Bathroom May need this!
BYTE coming back?
Pocket Router.
Skype Status.
SPOT gets into Security!
Android Market Ready.
Mars Movie.
Space Junk getting Worse.
Watch Snow on your Monitor.
Airplay working on PC.
IE9 Best for Malware Protection.
Idiot of the Month.
0 Day IE Exploit.
BOA Loosing Battle.
New Zealand opens up UFO records.
Indie Music wants to Seize Domains of Promoters.
More Copyright Cops.
My Advice Sleep.
One Smart Dog.
Navy Engineering.
Get Stuck in a Airport here’s the place to eat.
SXSW Thoughts.

GNC-2010-09-07 #608 What Camera?

Congrats to our Roku Winner from Washington DC. Set your calendars because this Saturday, for the first time in 6 years, I launch a new show. The tentative name is “The Morning Tech Show” I will have guests on with me. This is your chance to submit discussion topics for in depth analysis of topics in the Tech World. The show will start with three hosts and expand as we get it rolling. This is part of the initiative to expand the Geek News Central Brand. On todays show, I cover the Set Top Box Conference and a metric ton of tech news and tidbits plus some fun stuff. For a three day weekend there was plenty of news!

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Insider / Ohana Links:
Ways to watch the NFL.

The Geek’s Show Links:
Sobriety Key for your Car.
Craiglist Censorship?
Regulating Free Speech?
Jumping the Shark.
Shop in Stores, Buy Online?
AR Drone Helicopter.
Free iPad Scams.
Death of Newspapers?
SXSW Interactive Pricing.
Canadian to be ISS Commander.
Did you work on Labor Day?
Scaling your Business with Technology.
Only in Japan.
Sony Demo’s Google TV.
Duke Nukem Forever 13 years late.
Fake Twitter Post ends in Suspension.
EX HP CEO to Oracle?
ACTA Treaty pushes DRM.
Largest Google Search Advertisers.
Space Death Spiral.
Commodore to make a comeback?
Sony PS hack now in the Wild!
Ryan Air CEO wants 1 Pilot in Cockpit?
Five Firefox Add On’s.
Next Doctor On Wheels?
Apple Airplay.
Wonder where your Amazon order is?

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

GNC-2010-03-18 #560 Headed for Texas!

I have had a great week here in Silicon Valley lots of great meetings all headed towards our big announcement in a couple of weeks. I have assignments a plenty in tonights show. I hope you will respond with emails and call into the voice mail hotline. For those coming out see you at 7pm Friday night at Romano’s Macaroni Grill in Milipitas at 7pm please RSVP!

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Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Show Links:
Spammers Survive!
PogoPlug adds Streaming!
Survive SXSW Interviews.
Want access to Governmental Documents?
Possible Shuttle Delay!
ExoPlanet in Habitable Zone?
Take the FCC Broadband Test!
IE9 Accolades?
Viacom / YouTube Disclosures!
Ex-Employee Bricks Cars.
Android SlingPlayer Coming!
Google Set Top Box!
Wanna see inside a AT&T COW?
No More Screen Protectors.
Google Calendar Re-Scheduler!
Mobile Phone Sales Data!
FCC Broadband Plan.
No More Advertising?
Google to Leave China?
YouTube Statement on Viacom Lawsuit.
Is Adobe in Trouble?
Teen Sexting Ruling!
ISS Crew returns to Earth.
FCC Spectrum Maps.

Send in your stories to geeknews@gmail.com and be sure to provide a link to your websites!

Getting Pitched in Sessions at SXSW

Just a few minutes ago, I left my third session in 2 days because the speakers were pitching their companies. SXSW better get a handle on this! I have spoke at a number of conferences over the past 5 years and have been very careful to never pitch my companies products, during what is supposed to be educational sessions. Pisses me off big time that I could have attended another session of which there are many competing for people’s attention. He SXSW get a handle on your speakers and BAN them if they do this from ever participating in SXSW again!

Mark Cuban and Boxee’s Avner Ronen Battle at SXSW

Yesterday in the last session of the day at SXSW Mark Cuban and Avner Ronen had what I consider to be one of the better debates of the show so far. While it was a bit over the top and some ego’s in play, both made great points about the future of how we are going to be consuming media from traditional broadcast sources. Mark contends that the web in it’s current state cannot support large segment of subscribers getting there HD content via an IP connection which is probably true. Avner contends that the younger generation wants their traditional content via Internet.

From Mark’s comments it is obvious that the only way he would make HDNet available on the net is by guaranteeing 500,000 subscribers a month and the entity would have to pay base card rates for the right to get the content aka $2.00 to $3.00 per subscriber.

Mark feels the Ala Carte model will never scale and doubtful that companies like ESPN would make their programming available anytime soon to companies that would like to make it available to consumers on the net.

I will have a much more detailed commentary and sound bites on my next podcast because the breadth of the conversation was pretty wide.