Tag Archives: riaa

GNC-2011-10-03 #710 Monster Show

Monster show tonight with a Ton of stories, I only cover the upcoming iPhone announcements ever briefly as most of you will get the details early tomorrow morning. I want to welcome all of the new Google+ Listeners as those following me over their has exploded! Subscribe to the show and get signed up for the newsletter.

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$6.99 a month Economy Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1h
$12.99 a month Managed WordPress Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1w
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Listener Links:
World’s Ugliest Computer Case.
Sponsor Shout Out.

Links to articles covered in this Podcast on the GNC Show Notes Page [Click Here]

Credits: Jack Ellis – Executive Producer

GNC #685 ISP’s to Police You

I have a metric ton of tech to get through tonight all of it Tech Gold, the big news is the consortium to take your Internet Service away is you use P2P and download copyright materials. All backed by the administration. Wait till you here about new extradition considerations. I am quite incredulous over some of the news today. Important do not forget about the Space Shuttle launch if weather permits they launch today.

Support my Show Sponsor: Best Godaddy Promo Codes
$11.99 – For a New Domain Name cjcfs3geek
$6.99 a month Economy Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1h
$12.99 a month Managed WordPress Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1w
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Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Are you Connected?

Show Links:
Last Shuttle Countdown.
White House Celebrates 6 Strikes Agreement.
RIAA and MPAA Use Mob tactics on ISP’s
ISP’s Sell Out.
Get your Checkbook Out.
Mitnick Demos Phone Hack.
What Plus means for Others.
Amazon Music Competitive?
News of the World Shutdown.
Are you Connected?
Copyright reaches Insanity Level.
Round 10 Righthaven takes shot below belt.
Senate Bill 978 has YouTubers sweating the load.
Never delete Nothing.
Drop Box refines TOS.
Solar for all my Ohana.
Cable Resists Slingbox.
James Web Space Telescope DOA?
SB Nation versus Engadget?
Gmail Inbox Style.
Gmail inbox Sorting.
Google+ Businesses Stay Away for now..
Google+ Brands.
July 13th Apple Stores go Black.
FCC and Net Neutrality.
PTSN RIP by 2018?
Synthetic Organ Transplant.
25% Accidents caused by Gadgets.
Social Media Background Check.
Saturn’s Storms.
Flying Car is here.
Verizon and iPhone 4.
Skype 5.2 for Mac.
Facebook Video calling with Skype.
Photos from Facebook to Google+
YouTube gets update.
Don’t take picture of US Airways Employee.
LTE in Canada.
Citrix in Android.
iPhone 4 SLR Lenses Mount.
Anonymous wants revenge.
Lion Boot Drive.
App Store Injunction Declined.
Verizon to text you when that want more money.
Google Docs add Videos.
BitCoin Trademark Attempt.

GNC #684 Google+ Review

I dig in deep and give you a inside look at Google+ along with a whole bunch of tech news on top. I also talk about some new initiatives I am working on that I am pretty excited to see where it leads. I am scouting for talent in Hawaii specifically details on the show.

Support my Show Sponsor: Best Godaddy Promo Codes
$11.99 – For a New Domain Name cjcfs3geek
$6.99 a month Economy Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1h
$12.99 a month Managed WordPress Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1w
Support the show by becoming a Geek News Central Insider

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Purchase GNC gear from the Ohana Store!
Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
California Versus Amazon.
Flight Radio Book.
DNA Samples on Doggy Do Do?
Final Cut Pro X Comments on Conan.
Google Versus Facebook.

Show Links:
Fav Google+ Fetaures.
Facebook Fear?
Google Hangouts.
FTC Targets Twitter?
Scanners not so Safe?
RightHaven our Lawyers are to Blame?
EU to sign ACTA?
New Scan of Bible?
Gmail new Look.
Sony under Investigation?
Facebook Announcement Tease.
Net Neutrality Finally!
Full Tilt Poker Dead Pool.
4.5 Million Botnet.
Chickens Passed us some Genes.
ISP Cops.
GPS versus LightSquared.
WOW Neptune.
Paramount no Copying Props?
BT says No to MA.
Flipboard Updated.
Wireless Streaming PC to TV.
GPS that can Text.
Boxee to get Categories.
Office 365.
Google Calendar Update.
Hindenburg Field Recorder.
Facebook Android Update.
Android Google+ App.
Thunderbolt Cable Review.
RIM Employees Speak Out!
UFO over London.
MySpace what a Train Wreck.
Stream torrents.
Hotmail Supercharged.
Amazon Pulls Plug on California.
Chrome 7 Patches.
Students build own collaborative tool.
Delkin New 64gb SDXC Card.

GNC #683 Congrats Angelo

Getting back into the groove here in Hawaii, body is adapting back to HST which will take a few days. Your continued support of all our shows is greatly appreciated. Family Update: Shoko made it to Japan without her father passing, situation remains touch and go info on show.

Support my Show Sponsor: Best Godaddy Promo Codes
$11.99 – For a New Domain Name cjcfs3geek
$6.99 a month Economy Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1h
$12.99 a month Managed WordPress Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1w
Support the show by becoming a Geek News Central Insider

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Purchase GNC gear from the Ohana Store!
Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Set top Boxes suck Power.
TSA Dirty Deed!
Pocket Cast App!

Show Links:
Red Flag Act.
Verizon May be fast in a “few” places!
TSA Cancer Cluster!
TSA has lost their minds!
Rico for Righthaven?
Police now searching for Apps in Arizona!
Is the PC on the way Out?
Wi-Fi 2010 vs 2011.
To many fake Geeks?
Firefox versus the Enterprise!
Data Plans of the Future?
Mouse Diet?
iOS 5 Beta 2.
Human Errors lead to Security Issues.
50+ Flocking to Facebook.
Wi-Fi Testing in UK.
Answers.com cleans house.
FCC No Opinion with Report.
Goggles for Getty Museum!
Genome Contamination (Deep).
East Coast Missile Launch.
7500 Mile Asteroid.
Yahoo Connected TV.
Slingbox in Boxee?
Hotfiles Battle with RIAA!
Hollywood versus UK ISP BT.
5 Cars in a 100 to control Traffic.
10 Gmail Gadgets.
Sage TV Upgrades.
Yahoo Connected TV watches with your?
Tom Tom App Cool Update.
iPhone 5?
Paypal at 100 Million Users.
Supreme Court ruling on Video Games.
Fring 4 way Video Chat App.
26 Countries and User info Request at Google.
Geohot gets job at Facebook.
Rootkit Infection requires complete re-build.

GNC #682 Honoring Commitments

Geek News Central PodcastOhana, I will be visiting my sister tomorrow and will not be having a meet-up. First time to get to see her in a couple of years. Headed back to Honolulu on Saturday and will be home for a while. I have a great on the road show tonight. UK Listeners please pay attention for the UK specific contest.

Support my Show Sponsor: Best Godaddy Promo Codes
$11.99 – For a New Domain Name cjcfs3geek
$6.99 a month Economy Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1h
$12.99 a month Managed WordPress Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1w
Support the show by becoming a Geek News Central Insider

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Purchase GNC gear from the Ohana Store!
Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Google buys Sage.tv

Show Links:
UK Specific Contest.
** Three Strikes coming to United States? **
NASA Robot.
Now they Lobby Agencies Versus Legislators?
ACTA gets rejected in Mexico.
FCC gets tough on Caller ID.
90% of Companies Hacked.
Ebay raises rates!
Facebook Pays up!
New UK Space Vehicle.
Social Media and Google Search!
MySpace RIP?
LinkedIn Ad Targeting!
Twitter Ads Round 2.
FBI takes out Instapaper Server.
NFC & Google.
Apple moves forward on Nortel.
Apple TV Patent?
Netflix CES joins Facebook Board!
T-Mobile 1 Million iPhones!
Silicon Implant Study.
Evolution Expedited?
Two Billion Earthlike Planets?
SETI needs Money.
Video2k Wow!
PogoPlug goes Software Only.
Google Antitrust Suit?
Foursquare ruining Social Media?
Thunderbird 5.0
Google TV 2.0
Ready to Pay Hulu!
Hulu Plus on Android.
Film in your Yard get Arrested!
Chrome 13.
Firefox 5.0
uTorrent 3.0 new Streaming Feature.
Netflix Streaming Options.
Sage TV Insights.
Google Music Beta.
Nevada Driverless Cars.
Viacom goes after Cablevision.
1325 MPG.
Saliva to estimate your age.
Japanese Idol a Robot?
Wyoming to the Cloud.

GNC #673 Whats up with the Weather

Geek News Central Podcast Back in Honolulu and the weather is fantastic. Lots of controversial topics on today’s show. Hope that you will chime in and provide some feedback. Bit of a comedy on tonights show as the lower third in the video had a mind of its own.

Support my Show Sponsor: Best Godaddy Promo Codes
$11.99 – For a New Domain Name cjcfs3geek
$6.99 a month Economy Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1h
$12.99 a month Managed WordPress Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1w
Support the show by becoming a Geek News Central Insider

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Purchase GNC gear from the Ohana Store!
Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

GNC Shows
Robot Underpants
Gadget Professor
Saturday Morning Tech

Listener Links
Paralyzed Man Walks!

Show Notes:
Mobile Workers cranking out the hours.
The Battle for Muni Broadband!
Online Poker Convictions.
iPhone5 Curved Screen.
YouTube to Pre-Roll?
How young is to young for Facebook.
Apple to Lodsys Back Off.
RIAA exec roll in cash.
RIAA new Agenda.
Smart TV on the Move.
Root a Droid give up Movie Rentals.
Is DigitalTrends going Political?
Broadband still slow in the US!
Linking contention continues.
T-Mobile makes Pricing Changes.
When Unlimited really is not Unlimited.
Billguard a New CC tracking Service.
Twitter Features / Dev Contention Grows.
Google Chrome Version 99987654561?
Spending more with Amazon?
iPad 2 Shortages Expected.
Spacewalk #2
Endeavor Cleared for Landing.
ICE takes more Domains.
Hurt Locker 25k Lawsuits!
Firefox Download tab.
Windows 8 Slate Versus Tablet?
Premium Content to Boxee!
Evernote 100k Giveaway.
ISS + Shuttle + Soyuz = Great Picture.
Soyuz Safe Landing.
100,000 feet View.
Mercury Images!
Cassini and Titan!
Parkinson’s Discovery!
Firefox 5 Beta.
Google OS Update.
Whats going on in California?
TSA perfoms Prom Pat downs?
Tweetdeck = Twitter.
Lady Gaga Kills Amazon.
Sony -171 Million.

GNC #672 Big Day for LinkedIn

Geek News Central Podcast Headed back to Honolulu, I have had a great week here in Texas, much accomplished. Planning a return trip in Mid June followed by a potential east coast trip as well. Lot’s of tech with a political slant tonight kinda weird but seems that at times themes develop in the news reporting.

Support my Show Sponsor: Best Godaddy Promo Codes
$11.99 – For a New Domain Name cjcfs3geek
$6.99 a month Economy Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1h
$12.99 a month Managed WordPress Hosting (Free domain, professional email, and SSL certificate for the 1st year.) Promo Code: cjcgeek1w
Support the show by becoming a Geek News Central Insider

Subscribe Today: Audio | Video | iTunes | Zune
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Geek News Central Facebook Page
Purchase GNC gear from the Ohana Store!
Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Show Notes:
5 Ways to use LinkedIn
Malware on the loose for Mac Users.
Apple App Store Security Threat?
Chrome URL Bar going Bye Bye?
Religious Reaction by Apple Fanboys?
More bad news for Sony PSN?
16hr Cell Phone Marathon on Train?
Twitter Changes Rules Again.
Verizon 4G LTE Growing.
Comcast Sensitive to FCC Hire Tweets.
TokBox Group Video Chat!
Social Media Infographic.
Google Search App.
Verizon iPhone 5 Dual Mode.
Data Hungy Apps making BW Impact.
Twitter providing Reporters Intel.
Little Blue Pill Hearing Loss.
Amazon Gadget Trade In.
Intel Open Mouth Insert Foot x2.
iPhone Oximeter.
Verizon Family Data Plans.
Secret Service 2x Screw Ups.
AT&T No App Restrictions.
Wired Teaches Potentially Illegal Activities.
Philly Police and Citizen Gun Holder Incident.
Amazon and State Sales Taxes.
Who owns the Tweets.
4th Amendment under attack!
Artist to get some money after all.
Apple TV Hack.
Homeless Planets.
Don’t Take Space Program Lightly.
Windows Phone 7 comes to Verizon.
Smartphone Tracking Law.
Dark Mater Hunter.
e-books King!
Warrantless Bill backed by RIAA.
One Headset!
Guitar Self Tuner.
20 iPad 2 Apps.
T-Mobile wants You.
P2P Traffic Surge.