GNC #673 Whats up with the Weather

Geek News Central Podcast Back in Honolulu and the weather is fantastic. Lots of controversial topics on today’s show. Hope that you will chime in and provide some feedback. Bit of a comedy on tonights show as the lower third in the video had a mind of its own.

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Show Notes:
Mobile Workers cranking out the hours.
The Battle for Muni Broadband!
Online Poker Convictions.
iPhone5 Curved Screen.
YouTube to Pre-Roll?
How young is to young for Facebook.
Apple to Lodsys Back Off.
RIAA exec roll in cash.
RIAA new Agenda.
Smart TV on the Move.
Root a Droid give up Movie Rentals.
Is DigitalTrends going Political?
Broadband still slow in the US!
Linking contention continues.
T-Mobile makes Pricing Changes.
When Unlimited really is not Unlimited.
Billguard a New CC tracking Service.
Twitter Features / Dev Contention Grows.
Google Chrome Version 99987654561?
Spending more with Amazon?
iPad 2 Shortages Expected.
Spacewalk #2
Endeavor Cleared for Landing.
ICE takes more Domains.
Hurt Locker 25k Lawsuits!
Firefox Download tab.
Windows 8 Slate Versus Tablet?
Premium Content to Boxee!
Evernote 100k Giveaway.
ISS + Shuttle + Soyuz = Great Picture.
Soyuz Safe Landing.
100,000 feet View.
Mercury Images!
Cassini and Titan!
Parkinson’s Discovery!
Firefox 5 Beta.
Google OS Update.
Whats going on in California?
TSA perfoms Prom Pat downs?
Tweetdeck = Twitter.
Lady Gaga Kills Amazon.
Sony -171 Million.

About Todd Cochrane

Todd Cochrane is the Founder of Geek News Central and host of the Geek News Central Podcast. He is a Podcast Hall of Fame Inductee and was one of the very first podcasters in 2004. He wrote the first book on podcasting, and did many of the early Podcast Advertising deals in the podcasting space. He does two other podcasts in addition to Geek News Central. The New Media Show and Podcast Legends.

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