Tag Archives: OLED

GNC-2009-05-01 #473 Tech News you Need to Know

Honestly I have no idea how my lovely wife keeps things organized, I am just glad she is not going to be gone more than 2 weeks. Lots of tech tonight and a few laughs as well which you will hear.

Show Sponsors keep me fed so Please Support the Show Sponsors!
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FriendFeed GNC Room!!
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Link Submissions:
Do we have enough Bandwidth?
Media Companies: Use it or Merge it!
Clear Channel cuts 590 Jobs!

Show Topic Notes:
Lower Prices possible for Mac’s.
Internet to Suffer Brown Outs in 2012.
T-Mobile connected Digital Photo Frame Cheaper!
Motorola bleeding red in Losses!
Amazon starts charging by the MB on Kindle.
Monster Video card for Mac Users to check out!
.TV going away when Tuvalu sinks?
Microsoft to update Pirated copies of Windows 7?
A very Expensive Green Home can save you money!
Smile your on a Stolen Laptop !
FeedDemon Supports Google Reader finally!
2009 DOCSIS 3.0 Role Out Per Vendor.
Do you still have a copper Land Line?
Windows 7 Available Oct 23rd, 2009!
Are you Going to Podcamp Ohio?
HULU knocking out competitors quickly.
Payola may be dead but Radio stations are entrenched with old Media .
Are you a Early Bird or a Night Owl.
United States needs a Bot Army?
AT&T in battle to retain iPhone exclusivity.
YouTube gives dad info to deliver baby when no one else there to help!
NASA starts laying of Shuttle contractors!
Search Google in Gmail now!
Sony walks away from OLED display space!
Hacker Gains access to Twitter admin spys on Britney Spears.
Twitter Fadding dont let it happen to you!
Orlando Police Chief needs to read Constitution!
Sweedish ISP tells EU were not logging!
Next the government are going to be tracking us in our car’s and applying a tax based on usage..
Ok to stream AT&T TV Content but not 3rd Parties content
50 Tools any Home should have. (wink wink)

GNC-2009-02-27 #455 On my way to Japan

On my way to Japan tomorrow morning, but dealing with a very sore back after a major fall here at home. Slightly worried about my connectivity in Japan but will keep you all advised if it looks like I will have to delay a show. Congratulations to Dale on winning PogoPlug.

Support my Show Sponsors it keeps food on the table here!
[Save 15% off on any order >$20.00 at GoDaddy.com!] Use Code Geek5
More GoDaddy Promotion Codes Here
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
FriendFeed GNC Room!!
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
OLED not Selling
US Broadband

Show Notes:
Windows 7 will play .Mov Files
Old School NASA Saturn Picture
Twitter Alternatives
Digg to Battle Stumbleupon
1.5 Million Footprint Found
Google Apps Status Page
CC Zero
Quebecor Sells Out on Three Strikes
Border Search of Encrypted media must give up Data
Earth Eclipse as Seen from Moon
Windows 7 Are they Listening
MIT Invention Powers Bicycles
Do you have a Broken Mac Air Hinge
I Love this Monitor Setup!
17 inch Macbook Pro Review
Pirate Bay Day 9
Lenses Informational
Why the Labels are Crying Wolf
Panther and CDN Networks Merge
Powerbook Battery Explodes
RIP Rocky Mountain News
Say Hello to Google Twitter
Facebook Photos a iPhone Contact List
iPhone Japan poor sales
MRO trouble
Discovery March 12th Launch
Blubrry Sponsors Wordcamp Denver
Fairness Doctrine first Nail in Coffin
How to Sync two Windows Home Servers
FAA hack
36 Changes to Windows 7
CBS gets Pass by Apple to Stream TV via 3G – Podcasting Denied
Asus Eee PC 1000HE

GNC-2007-12-11 #324

I have made the announcement on when I will do the 24 hour Marathon show. Set your calendar it will be Dec 21st

Special Promotion code 20% off on 1 Year Shared Hosting Plans use Godaddy Code Todd20
[Save 10% off on any order at GoDaddy.com!] Use Code Todd
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Radio QRM Podcast
Kodak Easyshare 5300
Dell Color Laser 3110cn
Five Tips to avoid Printing Pitfals
Choosing a compact Inkjet Printer
RSS via Notepad
On the Media
Remember Pearl Harbor
Kadoink’s phonecast lines

Show Notes:
Nokia and OGG
Busted for Pirating
Photoshop Contest and Winners
Voip on iPod Touch
FCC 210,000 Towers need Generators
Canadian DMCA
NASA Night Shinning Clouds
ArtiGo Mini PC Kit
Some OLPC Shipping
Workaround for Zune 3 Play Rule
Sony OLED unboxing and Breakdown
Amazing Looking HTPC
Voyager 2 #1
Voyager 2 #2
Hidden MP3 Player/Recorder
Dubai Life
Whats a Blog?
Watching Online
Buzz on Marc
Future Safe Archives
Naughty Company Western Digital
Linked in going more Social?
NYT Readership
Media Player Users Beware
Transistor turns 60!!!
NAV 11 for Leopard
UK Wind Turbines
ISP inserting messages on Google Pages
Singing Songs for Charity told to pay up by PRS

Gems I Found:
Lake Mead

GNC-2007-11-02 #314

Huge thanks to the Sponsors of the show and your support of our sponsors. Lots to chat about today and a pile of content to get through. Tell 20 of your friends about the show and help us grow.

Sponsor: Save Money with all our GoDaddy Codes see our Promo Code Page
[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
OSX Trojan
NASA Exploration Assignments
UFO Files Reopened
NASA contest Submissions
HP Ad on YouTube
Free MP3 may cost you a lot
Home School Link
iPhone AT&T Earnings
No Cash

Show Notes:
How Many Computers do you Have?
iTunes 7.5 Soon
Windows Vista +1
Windows Home Server Review
RSS Logos and Design Consideration
Advocacy group goes after Comcast
iPhone Invention of the Year
Zune 2 and Podcasting Support
Sprint Wimax in trouble
Verizon Fios 150+ HD Channels
Miracle X-Ray Machine
OpenSocial will be King
So you are a Media Company now ehhh
Whois Database Spared
NYT Blogrunner Reviewed
PayPerPost RIP and good Riddance
ISS Solar Panel Rip
Professors starting to allow Wikipedia for Class Usage
OiNK Shutdown Worthless
Apple Trojan

Caught my Eye:
Cool Stuff
Good Deed
Seed Bank
Chris Angel Trick Reviewed
Don’t Run with a MP3 Player