Tag Archives: kazaa

GNC-2009-07-20 #495 Do you Like Math?

Do you like math do you live math, i have a request of the Ohana today to help your geek pick something out. Details in the show. Lots of tech today, rare daytime recording enjoy the podcast and be sure to check out the other shows at PodcastMadness.com

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A 2010 space odyssey beckons
Where is the Plunger on ISS
Sprint does not itemize text messgaes
World roll playing game.

Show Topic Notes:
TwitCam versus CamTweet
Qwest Upgrades DSL Offering
Eye Telescope amazing medical techology!
TweetMe way Cool!
In flight Wifi Tips
Digg Diggs a Deeper Hole for itself!
Airforce says Ares 1 escape system unsafe!
Apple has lost there minds!
ISS Spacewalk #2
Apple supposed to have Record Quarter!
Microsoft heads off EU Antitrust makes Browser change!
How hacker got access to Twitter via Hotmail
iPhone App approval process in meltdown!
Space Memories past 40 years!
Google Voice to compete with Skype?
Rejected Papers get new voice online!
Japanese Kibo just more gear!
LRO takes picture of Apollo 11 landing site!
Google Moon is live!
Why Japanese Phones are not in the United States!
The ever bigger AT&T iPhone Mess!
Is Internet Business DOA?
Mac Office 2008 SP2
Apple Loves Moms!
RIAA says DRM is Dead!
Online Meeting Schedulers Review.
10 Stats about Twitter.
Real Password Issues.
Data Says were going Mobile!
T-Mobile Going Socials? What For?
The Real cost of the Cloud!
Time Warp and S3 Backups
Kazaa goes Legit
New Apollo 11 Images!
AT&T Loosing Voice mail
Can the Pre Grow Up?
Why you need to Lie to be Secure Online.
256gb USB Drive
Get a cheap notebook!
Toshiba Wifi Picture Frame Integrated with other Services!
Blackberry desktop for Mac soon!
IE8 growth chart

The Pot Calls The Kettle Black: Turning the Tables on Online Music Swapping

Sharman Networks, Ltd., owners of the KaZaA peer-to-peer file-sharing network, have sued entertainment companies for copyright infringement. Yep, that’s right, the company that makes it possible to swap bootleg digital music is suing the music companies.

The crux of Sharman’s argument is that the entertainment companies used unauthorized versions of the KaZaA software, called Kazaa Lite to find the users who were illegally swapping tunes. Kazaa Lite doesn’t include the advertisements that help pay for the authorized version of the product. Lawyers for Sharman also say that the music industries efforts to stamp out music piracy violates the terms of usage for the KaZaA network.

Dave’s Opinion
Some people get what they deserve while others make noise just to hide the truth. The recording entertainment industry says swappers violate copyright law, the file swapping network says the recording industry violates copyright law. What a cat fight!

We should all give up our next concert tickets in favor of a seat in this court room … I think this will be a better show.

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Sharman Networks
Kazaa Lite

Must Everything Be Free on the Internet?

Must everything eventually be available for free on the Internet? Steve Lohr, in an article in today’s New York Times, argued that all public digital data will eventually be free on the Internet, because it’s too difficult to protect the intellectual property (IP) rights of the authors.

Mr. Lohr presents an engaging argument for accepting the inevitable distribution and public acquisition of music, words, art, and other works protected by IP law. In facing this inevitable distribution of this collective corpus, we should rethink the protection we strive to afford creators of original works in a manner that recognizes and accepts the new technological environment in which we find ourselves.

An example of the misuse of Internet-related technology that has brings Mr. Lohr to his opinion is the wanton copying and distribution of digital music through file sharing services (i.e. Napster, KaZaA, Grokster, Morpheus), a violation of copyright law. In response, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) this week filed 261 lawsuits against individual users of file sharing systems, using their attempt to enforce current IP laws as a threat to the millions of other illegal music swappers.

Dave’s Opinion
Although, as Mr Lohr wrote, “[the Internet has] origins in the research culture of academia with its ethos of freely sharing information,” I can’t imagine that the early-adopter, circa 1960, academicians, scientists, and scholars freely shared all of their research and hard-earned scholarly writings. Having the technology to share data doesn’t require one to share the data. Having technical skill doesn’t grant one the right to acquire, let alone redistribute, data. I agree with Mr. Lohr that we must allow our approach to protecting the rights of artists to evolve in the face of technological advances; however, I don’t agree that it’s time to roll over and accept that dissemination of currently-protected works is inevitable and, therefore, shouldn’t be restricted.

Some things are inevitable: the sun will again rise and set,the net will continue to transmit data packets, and yes, copyright-protected music will be shared illegally. However, I judge that just because a task is difficult it is no reason to give up the fight. While I have no hard evidence at hand, my perception is that file swapping is most frequently done by young adults whose civil acumen isn’t matched by their technical skill. I think it’s reasonable that our file swappers are less practiced at critically thinking about the value of their civil responsibilities.

In handing over the reins of legal protection under the guise of accepting the inevitable aren’t we, the citizens who have had more opportunities to consider our responsibilities, failing to accept one of our primary civil responsibilities: raising the next generation to be upright, law-abiding citizens?

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Whatever Will Be Will Be Free on the Internet