Tag Archives: inexpensive

$3 Dollar Tablet Stand

Ever wander into the iPad/tablet accessory isle at your local big box electronics store looking for an inexpensive stand for your iPad, Nook, Kindle, or other tablet/reader device? If so, you know these things have a tendency to be rather pricey and may not even do what you want them to.

I’ve got an inexpensive, very effective solution you may not have thought about. Make a trip to your local hobby store, a dollar store, or any store that sells nick-nack type items. What you are looking for are small easels either made of metal wire or even wooden ones with folding hinges. These can sell for as little as a $1 and up.

I purchased the pictured wire metal easel from my local Hobby Lobby store for $2.99 plus tax to hold my Barnes & Noble Nook – about $60 dollars or so less than I would have paid for a specialty tablet stand.

Save your money and have an effective solution all in one fell swoop.

Easy iPhone 4 Antenna Fix

Inexpensive iPhone 4 Scotch Tape Antenna FixThere have been numerous reports that the newly-released Apple iPhone 4 is having some antenna issues. The metal ring that forms the outside edge of the phone can essentially short out due to the conductivity of human skin when it’s held in the wrong way.

One of my podcast listeners forwarded me this link to an item on MacDailyNews that details the problem, and details a very inexpensive, unobtrusive fix. Apparently all that’s needed is a tiny piece of  plastic or “scotch” tape applied to the right place and that’s enough to eliminate the issue.