Tag Archives: Drupal

GNC-2011-03-11 #654 Tsunami Inbound!

The massive earthquake hits Japan just as I start my show, we are under a Tsunami Warning here in Hawaii with first strike due at 3am local. Based on what has happened in Japan it could be bad. The Ohana watching the show live were feeding me information, kinda weird to talk about a live event in which I knew most of you would be listening post show. Needless to say lots of tech to talk about tonight as well.

Note: My home is 1000 feet above sea level we are safe.

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Show Hotline 24/7 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links
Taco Bell Boycott.
100gb Backbone.

Show Notes:
Jobs digging on Samsung.
Clearwire Class Action Suit.
Planet Protection Officer.
Apple Purchase Policy.
AOL Fires 900.
NYT Editors call us Pirates.
Instapaper 3.0
iPhone App Identifies Bills.
Rover Model.
New Way of Watching TV.
Hide Search Results.
Brain CFL Light.
Customized Figurine.
Disk Storage History.
SuperMoon Joke.
Star Shockwave.
Solar Flare.
Aliens will comes as Machines.
Voyager up to new Tricks!
Near Earth Asteroid.
Mercury Images.
Limewire Settles?
Pirate Roundup.
P2P Uploader Arrested.
iPad Garageband Review.
Flat Scissors.
Sleep Phase Alarm.
See through Hard Drive.
Sheen Using Social Media to make Cash!
Apple TV Live Programming.
Branded Entertainment Spending.
Sand Prices Drop.
New Zealand Interactive Disaster Map.
Ink for all my Friends.
Clearwire CEO Quits.
FCC to Arrest Cell Phone Jammers.
ISS is Complete?
Sony 3G Camera.
Control-Alt-Delete Origin.
New Fuel Advances.
VMware App.
Winamp for Android.
iOS 4.3 Sync Issues?
Motorola Xoom Mod.

GNC-2009-05-18 #478 TWC Call at End of Show

Official show ends 10 minutes before end of Audio file. Some bonus material after the end of the show. Lot’s to share tonight had a great weekend, hooked up with Trucker Tom we hit Fry’s and Guitar Center aka Geek Heaven. Lots of tech news tonight and congrats of course to the Hubble Heroes for their great work on Hubble!

Show Sponsors keep me fed so Please Support the Show Sponsors!
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Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Comcast Increases Lobbying Budget
Windows 7 Beta System Capabilities Check
Ann Arbor News R.I.P.
Soldiers being prepared for Telepathy???
Airman Notices Fuel Leak on Commercial Aircraft.

Show Topic Notes:
Hubble Heroes
Twitter and Facebook competing with Google?
AT&T Reduced iPhone Data Plans!
WiFi for your Camera
Massage chair for the brave!
Machines versus Man?
Plug guide for worldwide travelers.
FIOS from a Reseller at reduced prices!
Walmart replacing Compusa and Circuit City?
NASA tools used on Hubble
Tech IPO are back for profitable companies.
How much is your site worth if you want to sell.
Sarbanes Oaxley on chopping block?
Amazon EC2 adds automatic expansion.
Craigslist ask for Apology from S.C. Attorney General.
Seek and you shall find Twitter Users!
PowerPress plug thanks for the Mention.
Awesome Hubble Mission Pictures from Boston.com
P2P Filesharing is Fair Use?
1220 Pound Meteorite found in farmers field.
Is Gas headed to $5.00?
Windows 7 may be more expensive will you still buy it?
Lawyer in RIAA battle throws in towel after 130K in expenses.
Mac sails dip in April again!
Wolfram Alpha let me know what you find.
Toshiba sues over DVD Manufacturing.
Atlantis crew wraps up repair mission.
New Airport Rules require ID and Ticket Match.
Office 2010 already on BitTorrent sites.
Ball and Chain Study Ball :)
Relief to Drupal users in New Book.
Google tells all including your college work.
Movie Studios want ISP to admit wrong doing.

GNC-2009-05-04 #474 You have to Watch to Win!

You have to watch to win! Video link is in the show notes.  One more show here in Honolulu before I take the show on the road. It will be a very busy May and June as farmers say you have to make hay while sun shines. No locked in travel plans yet for listener meet-ups but will advise when I can. Tonight’s show has some incredible stories that will cause your eyebrows to raise.

Show Sponsors keep me fed so Please Support the Show Sponsors!
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Follow @geeknews on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
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FriendFeed GNC Room!!
Show Comments please call 1-619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Link Submissions:
Vista SP2 Pre-Beta
Broadband Operating Cost
Nielsen Ratings Sued

Show Topic Notes:
Firefox hits projected 270 million users.
Verizon says WiFi for all broadband customers through Boingo.
Should startup founders Starve?
Video Embed Widgets to control your own brand!
Some really great Flickr Search Tools from Mashable.
Amazing Story of a Rouge Botnet controlled by Good Guys.
Parental Control on the iPhone.
Control your own short url service don’t pay for it!
New Amazon Reader on Wednesday supposed to be Big!
YouTube say NO ads in Your own Videos!
Nettica suffers DDOS that shuts down thousands of Websites!
Sprint customers are leaving in droves bleeding red ink everywhere!
LexisNexis waits 5 years to tell customers of Serious Security breach?
MPAA and RIAA site feature TorrentFreak content through XSS hack!
Who have you shared your email password with lately?
16 Drupal Clones which are great if you can find someone to design a template!
The true cost of Bandwidth that the ISP’s don’t want you to know about.
Time to get rid of some space junk with sails!
Limwire tells Congress that Limewire 5 shares nothing without notification.
Hubble repair crew ready to fly!
Can digital paper save the newspaper industry.. In a word NOPE.
Ex RIAA Lawyer at DOJ to work RIAA cases after 1 year?
193 Lasers to Ignite and create Mini Star???????? Why????

GNC-2009-02-20 #453 Recorded on Rebuilt Machine

My loyal and dedicated podcast recording PC died on Tuesday and I had to revive it with some new guts. So while I get it dialed in let me know how the sound quality was tonight. I have a decent list of content for a Friday show. Thanks for staying subscribed.

Support my Show Sponsors it keeps food on the table here!
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[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
My Facebook Profile
FriendFeed GNC Room!!
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
Unmask Blocked Calls
FTC Privacy Suggestions
Cool Pic from Helicopter
iPhone Card Counting Application

Show Notes:
Wordwide Linux User Count
Mark Cuban Startup Funding Round 2
Brain Scan Study I hope was Free
Have Hangover? Have Gatorade
Pirate Bay No One is in Charge
Mind Reader
32 Free PC Applications
Open Source at White House?
More proof of Water on Mars
30 Websites to visit if your Laid Off
Pirate Bay calls for ceasefire!
Android Paid Apps
Vista Server SP2
Brits to use WhiteKnightTwo for Sat Launch
Step into my Proton Cyclotron
More Bars on your Cell Phone
Comcast dazzles with more Speed
Facebook does about face on TOS
New Mac Mini?
iPhone App Shelf Life
Top 21 Twitter Clients
Dawn gets a boost around Mars
Legislation requires ISP keep Personal Data 2 Years
ICANN delays the TLD rollouts
Big Paycuts at HP
Facebook removed 5,500 sex offenders
T-Mobile $50.00 Unlimited Plan
No More Texting while Walking Legislation