I recently compared Ustream Watershed to Livestream Producer. In addition to Watershed, Ustream also has an offer called Ustream Producer Pro. How does it compare to Livestream Producer? Here is the information you will need to see the similarities, and the differences, between the two.
Ustream Producer Pro : There are three different prices, depending on which plan you want.
The Starter is $99/month. This gives you 100 viewer hours. If you go over, you will be charged $0.50 per additional viewer hour.
The Standard is $499/month. This gives you 4,000 viewer hours. If you go over, you will be charged $0.25 per additional viewer hour.
The Enterprise is $999/month. This gives you 9,000 viewer hours. If you go over, you will be charged $0.20 per additional viewer hour.
A viewer hour is the cumulative amount of time an audience watches your stream. The example they give is if 10 people watch your stream for 1/2 hour, that would be 5 hours of cumulative view-time. It would equal 5 viewer hours.
Livestream Producer: $45.00/month – unlimited bandwith. No overages, ever.
Is it embeddable?
Ustream Producer Pro: The Starter does not include embedding. Both the Standard and the Enterprise allow for embedding. Broadcasters who purchase the Enterprise package will be able to remove their content from the Ustream site by hiding their live channel pages.
Livestream Producer: Not currently available
Analytics and APIs?
Ustream Producer Pro: As far as I can tell, it is not currently available.
Livestream Producer: Not currently available
Storing Recorded Video on their site
Ustream Producer Pro: The Starter has 50 GB of storage. If you want more, it will cost $0.50/GB.
The Standard has 500 GB. If you want more, it will cost $0.20/GB.
The Enterprise has 1,000 GB. If you want more, it will cost $0.12/GB.
Livestream Producer: Bandwith and video storage on the New Livestream platform is unlimited for the life of your plan.
Is it ad free?Ustream Producer Pro: All Ustream Pro Broadcasting packages remove all in-video ads, as well as display ads on your channel page. Ads are even removed from embedded players and recorded content.
Livestream Producer: Yes. You can do live streaming without any advertising.
Integration with social media
Ustream Producer Pro: It has a “widget” framework that will allow you to integrate with outside services. Current extensions include: Facebook Fan Page “Like” Button, Twitter Follow Button, iTunes Promotion, Amazon Promotion, Thumbplay Ring Tones, and Custom Uploaded Banners. New services will be added in the coming months.
Livestream Producer: There is a New Livestream for Producers iPhone app which can be used for live encoding and real-time posting from your iPhone. Livestream Producer does integrate with Facebook. Users can “like” posts, comment on posts, and receive notifications of upcoming events.