When I think of Pinterest, the first thing I think of is all the people who have put together a multitude of boards filled with pins that serve as inspiration for wedding planning. At least one of those boards might be focused on planning a honeymoon.
It turns out that a whole lot of people (including those who aren’t planning a wedding) are using Pinterest as a way of gathering travel information. They are planning their next trip and putting together boards with pins about specific things they want to see in the location they want to visit. Pinterest has taken notice, and updated its Top Pinned Places in response.
Top Pinned Places isn’t brand new. It has, however, been newly updated. Pinterest has added pins that are specific to the top 20 places that people have saved on Pinterest. This collection of pins on Top Pinned Places is different from the typical pin.
Click on a pin that is part of Top Pinned Places. You can see a small map that shows the location of whatever was in the photo. A brief blurb of information sits under the photo, with a link to the article it came from. You can also see how many other pins are in this particular Top Pinned Places board.
In addition, Pinterest will show how to find the location. For example, if the place is a bar, you will be shown the address, phone number, and website URL of that bar. The pin might also show the hours it is open and some tips and helpful information for people who have never visited that bar before.
The newly added content to Pinterest’s Top Pinned Places will be available on iPhone and iPad this week. The Pinterest blog post about this topic says: “Look out for them on Android and the web in the future.”