Tiffen Offers Steadicam Smoothee Bonus Pack

Tiffen logoThe Steadicam division of The Tiffen Company is offering something special for fans of the Steadicam. It is a Steadicam Smoothee bonus pack. When purchasing a Steadicam Smoothee, users can now enjoy two mounts for the price of one. The new bonus pack features a mount for iPhone 5/5s and a mount for GoPro HERO cameras. This equates to a $24.95 USD bonus value. You get even more stability at no extra cost.

The Steadicam Smoothee is lightweight, agile, and easy to use. It features an innovative, patented design that is built around a durable mono-frame metal structure. The handheld stabilizing solution ships with an easy-to-use interchangeable mount for expanded camera options. The Smoothee can also be used with an iPhone 3Gs/4/4s/5/5s, iPod Touch, and GoPro HERO 2, 3, and 3+. Right now, the Steadicam Smoothie, with the bonus pack, retails for $149.00 USD.

Have you seen the Apple commercial that is called “Powerful”? The Smoothee was featured in it. There is a short scene where a man is using a Steadicam Smoothee to film a band that is playing in the street. It starts at about 0:55 and ends at around 0:58.
