There’s the Grammatic Way and the SEO Way

In working with websites, I find having to understand my grammar is a key factor. Nobody likes misspelled words or sentences that run too long or don’t make sense. I’ve been spending time going through my sites trying to find and fix those lines that meet that criteria.

But there is another factor I have to consider – SEO. Search Engine Optimization is something most web masters strive for. They want to see their name in lights (Search Engine lights, that is). To be able to top a search means more views. That, in turn, can bring more opportunity and even $$.

So now the real question is: where is the fine line? There are words that crop up (Tumblr, Blubrry) that are not spelled correct. I also have to think about saturation of keywords. Webmaster is a keyword – Google counts how many times webmaster is in a site. Google then reports back that webmaster is a keyword you should focus on. Adding words like webmaster (and their variants) and making it look appeasing is a real task – that is, if you content focuses on getting webmasters to come to your site.

Want to add another angle? How bout we take in viewer retention: The user is only on the site for an average of 2 seconds. You have 2 sentences to explain you, your site and your article. Period. Don’t do that – they’re gone. That is where Grammar comes in more than SEO.

Of course, doth could turn thine speaking into Ye Olde English! Hearty words shall evoke the emotion! Now Everyone – DRINK!

All this to think about and you still have to put your style into an article. For writing everyday articles, it’s a consideration, but you should focus more on your style. If this is an “About” page or something that is going to be a major part of your site, then you need to really focus on SEO, then Grammar. The only exception is the first paragraph: This defines the rest of the article. Therefore, following grammatic rules is the best bet.

Grammar or SEO? They both have advantage. However, the better the site crawls, the more people will see if you correctly spelled Webmaster. Welcome to my world…