As a person who defends freedom of speech, fair use and a stack of other a typical American ideals it makes me pretty mad when I hear about companies bowing down to a communist regime! Just to insure that their bottom line is not hurt and so they can continue to do business their, I don’t know about you but it leaves a real bad taste in my mouth.
I am all about companies making money but I am ashamed of companies that cave in to a repressive governments request to stifle the free flow of information. I am also ashamed that technology companies like Google and Yahoo that were asked to testify at a hearing on capitol hill did not do so!
Those that live in the free world need to continue to stand up and have a backbone, failure to do so will result in the further empowerment of the Chinese Communist Government continued repression of its citizenry. It makes American companies culpable in regards to the safety and well being of those, in these countries the Chinese government is trying to repress [ZDNet]
Hello, I think this evaluation of the topic is what comes
to mind first, but comes short on the many implications.
An elaborate discussion can be found on slashdot, but it
basically boils down to this: Not cooperating with the
Chinese will help neither Google (for business) nor the
chinese people (for more freedom or information). The
Google China site IS censored, but not censored good
enough so that a determined individual could not find
what he/she is looking for. So this is a GAIN for the chinese
people. Cheers, Tom.