US Senate Approves Anti Spam Bil

I thought today was April’s fools because the Senate thinks that the Anti Spam bill they just passed is going to do some good. The penalties are strong but they are going to have a hard time enforcing the law. A House version is still being haggled over. So I really doubt this will see the Presidents pen..

But I tell you what would solve spam is if there were not as many stupid people surfing the net and replying to the spam filling there in-boxes. If some company actually had a product that would cause a part of my body to grow then it would be on every news station around the world and the person who invented it would be richer than Bill Gates in about 3 hours.. []

About Todd Cochrane

Todd Cochrane is the Founder of Geek News Central and host of the Geek News Central Podcast. He is a Podcast Hall of Fame Inductee and was one of the very first podcasters in 2004. He wrote the first book on podcasting, and did many of the early Podcast Advertising deals in the podcasting space. He does two other podcasts in addition to Geek News Central. The New Media Show and Podcast Legends.