Tag Archives: WSJ

GNC-2009-04-17 #469 Time Warner Smack Down

Time Warner did not have the guts to do the Interview, they are all scared of you folks but I have a lot of fun with the questions in the show. Should be good for a laugh for all, maybe not Time Warner. Actually I am surprised they have not shut off my Internet.

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Podcast Comments call 619-342-7365 or e-mail geeknews@gmail.com

Listener Links:
TWC Runs for the Hills
Helicopter Hotel is a Hoax
Massive Magazine Ad Sales Slowdown
Housing Economic Recovery Act of 2008 and Tax Implications for eCommerce
TWC Blinks Three Times
NYC Considering Blocking Chatty Cabbies’ Phones
News Corp. creates new unit to share content
New venture aims to introduce fees for online news
Twitter can make you immoral, claim scientists
TWC Customers leaving in droves

Show Notes:
New Atomic Clock not very Accurate ;)
Amazon locking out some Kindle users
TWC Runs home to Mama after getting beat down!
Watch out for stuff in your Car
Psystar still delivering PC’s
Nokia business down 90%
TWC PR Disaster o BW Caps
Do you blog Anonymously?
Facebook letting Users Decide TOS Fate
National Geographic Amazing Infinite Photograph
Have Mac – Used P2P – Probably Hacked
Apple Market Sales Down
Internet Sales Tax Maybe coming!
Beyond Stupidity on Dominoes Gag
Move Over User Generated Content on YouTube
IPO for Skype would love to buy some Stock
Those that Snoop get Snooped on!
Cobert gets a Treadmil :) ISS gets Tranquility
SSD Encrypted Drives
Digg retreats on Diggbar
AT&T will have to Pay Apple big to Stay Exclusive on iPhone
Proxy + Crime = Same Jail Time
Swiss ISP say No Logging
Pirate Bay Trial Verdict Today
I Don’t like those Odds 1-221 for for Hubble Mission
Google wants to play Advertiser with Twitter
Kepler begins search for Planets
A PC Users confessions on Mac Usage
NASA may get more Shuttle Money
Twitter Secret or maybe not so Secret announce today
An Idiots View on TWC – BW Caps
iPhone + WSJ = Free Content
Slingplayer iPhone App Approval in Trouble?

GNC-2007-06-29 #280

It’s iPhone Friday Podcast Awards start on Monday at PodcastAwards.com and we have a Round Table this coming weekend at TechPodcasts.com

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[Try GoToMeeting free for 30 days at GoToMeeting.com/techpodcasts. No credit card needed.]

Twitter Me http://www.twitter.com/geeknews
Comments to 619-342-7365 e-mail to geeknews@gmail.com

Round Table Info

Listener Links:
New Media Business
ISS from Ground
RIAA gets Sued
College Radio
Evil ISP

Show Notes:
Twitter Trival
Google Maps
Earth Pop
Sun and our Galaxy
MPAA After Vid Sites
Supreme Court
Torrent Communities
Mars Rover
11 Xbox 360s’
Logitech Camera
Jaman Challenge
Feedster it’s back
Facebook expectations
Delta Sucks
Genesis 2