Tag Archives: Tagus

Targus Introduces A New Line Of Bags

Targus, the premier computer bag maker, was at CES 2011 showing off their new line of products.  To nobody’s surprise they are going heavy on the tablet cases this year – as PC makers scramble to go heavy on the tablets.  They have been producing iPad cases for several months, but they give us a look here at the Samsung Galaxy Tab cases as well.  But, beyond cases they also have a stylus, which can be used with any touch device, including those running iOS (we know Steve Jobs LOVES the stylus).  They are also now producing a bluetooth keyboard as well.

Availability on these products is immediate and price points are mentioned during the interview.

Interview by Todd Cochran of Geek News Central and Esby Larsen of MrNetCast.com

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[flowplayer src='https://blip.tv/file/get/Techpodcasts-CES2011LiveTargus778.m4v' width=480 height=270 splash=https://www.geeknewscentral.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/targusa.png]